1 | !============================================================================================
2 | ! AstroBEAR Input File
3 | ! Contains GlobalData and LevelData namelists.
4 | ! Configured for : FieldLoopAdvection
5 | ! Problem description : An MHD problem where a loop of magnetic field moves around the domain.
6 | ! This problem can be 2D or 3D.
7 | !============================================================================================
8 | ! Global parameters valid for all root-level grids
9 | !============================================================================================
10 | &GlobalData
11 | nDim = 3 ! number of dimensions for this problem.
12 | MaxLevel = 0 ! Maximum level for this simulation.
13 | MinimumGridPoints = 2 ! The minimum number of cells a grid can have along one dimension.
14 | nDomains = 1 ! The number of domains in the problem.
15 | lRestart = F ! restart flag
16 | restart_frame = 0 ! The frame from which restarts should begin. restart_frame=0
17 | ! simply means restart from the last frame produced. This variable
18 | ! has no effect unless lRestart = .true.
19 | start_time = 0.d0 ! The initial time in computational units. Do not change this
20 | ! even if you are restarting.
21 | final_time = 1, ! The final time in computational units.
22 | final_frame = 500, ! The number of output frames to be written.
23 | GmX = 100, ! number of cells in x direction
24 | 100, ! number of cells in y direction
25 | 100 ! number of cells in z direction (set to 1 for 2D problems).
26 | GxBounds = -3.d0, ! Problem boundaries in computational units.
27 | -3.d0, ! format: (xlower, ylower, zlower, xupper, yupper, zupper)
28 | -3.d0, ! For 2D problems, set zlower and zupper to 0.d0.
29 | 3.d0,
30 | 3.d0,
31 | 3.d0
32 | Gmthbc = 1, ! Sets the physical boundary conditions at the edge of the
33 | 1, ! problem domain.
34 | 1, ! format: (leftx_bc, lefty_bc, leftz_bc, rightx_bc, righty_bc, rightz_bc)
35 | 1, ! codes: 1 = extrapolated, 2 = periodic, 3 = reflected, 999 = internal
36 | 1, ! For 2D problems, set zlower and zupper to 1.
37 | 1,
38 | initial_maxspeed = 0.d0 ! The maximum wavespeed at the start of the run. This can
39 | ! be set higher than it needs to be, as maxspeed will change.
40 | iThreaded=0
41 | /
42 | !============================================================================================
43 | !Level-specific variables (All LevelData lists should be initialized from 0 to MaxLevel).
44 | !============================================================================================
45 | &LevelData
46 | CoarsenRatio = 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ! grid refinement ratios
47 | qTolerance = 1e30 1e30 1e30 1e30 1e30 1e30 1e30 ! field variable tolerances on each level
48 | DesiredFillRatios = 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 ! Determines how much of the new subgrids must be filled with refined cells.
49 | /
50 | &IOData
51 | iDataFileType=0
52 | /
53 | &DomainData
54 | Domain%mGlobal=1,1,1,100,100,100
55 | Domain%mthbc = 1,1,1,1,1,1
56 | /
57 | &PoissonData
58 | solver = 1
59 | tolerance = 1e-8
60 | printlevel = 0
61 | MaxIters = 1000
62 | hverbosity = 0
63 | mthbc = 3 3 3 3 3 3
64 |
65 | /
66 | &TimeStepData
67 | cfl_vars = 1, .3, .5
68 | /
69 |
70 | ! bc for poisson should be 3 for nwinds module use, and the physical bc should all be 1's |