1 | !================================================================================
2 | ! AstroBEAR physics.data file.
3 | ! Input data describing built-in physics-related parameters of the code.
4 | ! Created for problem: FieldLoopAdvection.
5 | !================================================================================
6 | &PhysicsData ! NameList declaration. This line MUST be present!
7 | ! * marks OPTIONAL parameters that can be omitted
8 | ! shown are the default values for such parameters
9 |
10 | gamma = 1.001,
11 | gammac = 1.001, ! used if iEOS==1, different, but constant real gas gammas
12 | Xmu = 2, ! mean molecular weight
13 | MinTemp = 1e-5, ! minimum allowed temperature for the system.
14 | ! Without cooling, this should be zero.
15 | MinDensity = 1e-28 ! Minimum computational density
16 |
17 |
18 | ! Type of slope limiter to use for each field in q
19 | ! It is recommended to use constant interpolation for any fields in q that correspond to aux fields (iBx, iBy, iBz, etc...)
20 | InterpOpts = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 ! (0=constant, 1=minmod, 2=superbee, 3=vanLeer, 4=mc)
21 |
22 |
23 | lSelfGravity = .true.
24 |
25 | !================================================================================
26 | ! Type of Riemann solver to be used on each refinement level
27 | !================================================================================
28 |
29 | iEOS = 0, ! Exact Solver EOS
30 | ! 0 = ideal gas
31 | ! 1 = different isentropic gamma and ratio of specific heats, useful for debugging, testing
32 | ! 3 = Van der Waals
33 | ! 4 = Isothermal
34 | !================================================================================
35 | ! Verbosity of the output of various runtime diagnostic messages to standard output.
36 | !================================================================================
37 | Verbosity = 1 ! : protection : 0 - none, 1 - all messages
38 | 0 ! : source term: 0 - none, 1 - minimal, 2 - all messages
39 | 2, ! : exact Riemann solver: 0 - none, 1 - minimal, 2 - all messages
40 |
41 | !================================================================================
42 | ! Protection routine switches. Protection options keep density and pressure
43 | ! quantities within the problem from becoming unphysical (i.e., negative).
44 | !================================================================================
45 | iProtect = 1, ! protection method
46 | ! 0=none
47 | ! 1=min neighbor P/rho
48 | ! 2=minimum neighbor Pressure
49 | ! 3=minimum neighbor P/rho and Entropy conservation
50 | ! 4=minimum neighbor Pressure and Entropy conservation
51 | !================================================================================
52 | ! Description of various scaling parameters
53 | ! MUST be present if cooling, radiation force, or gravity are switched on!
54 | !================================================================================
55 | nScale = 0, !*: number density scale parameter [particles/cc]
56 | rScale = 3d-21, !*: density scale [g/cc], nScale is ignored !!! NOTE: if = 0 then nScale is used to find rScale
57 | TempScale = 1, !*: temperature scale parameter [Kelvin]
58 | pScale = 0.0, !*: pressure scale [dynes/cm^2], TempScale is ignored !!! NOTE: if = 0 then TempScale is used to find pScale
59 | lScale = 4.62852037d17, !*: length scale parameter [cm], 3/20 pc (defines 1 computational unit!!!)
60 |
61 | !================================================================================
62 | ! MHD related section
63 | !================================================================================
64 | lMHD = F, ! : MHD switch
65 |
66 | !================================================================================
67 | ! Tracer Settings. These settings do NOT turn tracers on or off; rather, they
68 | ! control the way the tracers are handled by the system. To initialize tracers,
69 | !
70 | !================================================================================
71 | iLTracer = 0 ! 0=Conservative Tracer constrained between 0 and the density
72 | ! 1=Lagrangian Tracer constrained between 0 and 1
73 | ! 2=Lagrangian Tracer constrained to be 0 or greater
74 | ! Warning: This applies for all tracers.
75 | ! Also for the Species tracking to work iLTracer should be 0.
76 | NrTracerVars = 0
77 | lCheckDivergence = .false.
78 | lOutputErrFlag = .false.
79 | lOutputCostMap = .false.
80 | lMPI_ID = .false.
81 | / ! This line MUST be present!