1 | !Notes:
2 | !Check if have to add this module to some control list so that it becomes numerically part of the rest of the astrobear program (for instance, is there somehting thst needs to happen so that public variables in other parts of this code are understood by this new module? -- I remember having to add a Bonnor ebert module list/functions/ to some master list -- check this out, should be documented somewhere in the code)
3 |
4 | !Tests:
5 | !check EOS stop check works when EOS dne Ideal gas law. - passed
6 | !could plot T(MeV) in visit and Lnuc to check change in energy is consistent with this...?
7 |
8 | MODULE NeutrinoCooling
9 | USE PhysicsDeclarations
10 | USE GlobalDeclarations
11 | USE EOS
12 | ! REAL(KIND=qPrec), PUBLIC :: NeutrinoCoolPar(1:3)=(/1.d-8, 2d18, 1.9d25/)
13 |
14 | !!! This module requires the use of an ideal gas EOS
15 |
17 |
18 | !Finalize initialization for Neutrino Cooling
19 | SUBROUTINE Init_NeutrinoCool
20 |
21 | IF(iEOS/=0) THEN
22 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) THEN
23 | PRINT *, '!!!Neutrino cooling not supported for EOS other than ideal gas law!!!'
24 | PRINT *, '!!!Consider switching iEOS to 0 in physics.data!!!'
25 | PRINT *, '!!!Simulation now stopping!!!'
26 | STOP
27 | END IF
28 | END IF
29 |
30 | END SUBROUTINE Init_NeutrinoCool
31 |
32 | SUBROUTINE Neutrino_Cooling(q, dqdt, Temp)
33 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: q(:),dqdt(:), Temp
34 | dqdt(iE) = dqdt(iE) - NeutrinoCoolingStrength(q,Temp) !net previously calculated dqdt(ie)-neutrinocoolingrate
35 | END SUBROUTINE Neutrino_Cooling
36 |
37 | FUNCTION NeutrinoCoolingStrength(q, Temp)
38 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: Temp, q(:) !note Temp is the physical temperature of the gas -- in Kelvin****
39 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: NeutrinoCoolingStrength
40 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: Lnuc, Lpp !physical definitions?
41 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: Kb_MeV_K !boltzmann constant in MeV/K
42 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: T !temperature scaling dependence of cooling rate, in MeV
43 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: rho !density scaling dependence of cooling rate, in g/cc
44 |
45 | Kb_MeV_K=8.61733035d-11
46 | !T=Temp*tempscale !now in K -- this is wrong, Temp is already in Kelvin -- fixed 10/2/18
47 | T=Temp*Kb_MeV_K !now in MeV
48 | rho=q(1)*rscale !now in cgs
49 | Lnuc=2d18*T**6d0 !erg/g/s
50 | Lnuc=Lnuc*rho !erg/cm**3/s --- energy density (pressure)/time --- correct units for input into source solver
51 | Lnuc=Lnuc*edotscale !edotscale = timescale/pscale; now in computational units
52 | Lpp=1.9d25*T**9d0/rho !erg/g/s
53 | Lpp=Lpp*rho*edotscale !compuational units
54 |
55 | NeutrinoCoolingStrength = (Lnuc + Lpp)
56 |
57 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) print *, 'NeutrinoCoolingStrength =', NeutrinoCoolingStrength
58 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) print *, 'rho=q(1)*rscale =', rho
59 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) print *, 'T=TempScale*Temp*Kb_MeV_K', T
60 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) print *, 'Temp=', Temp, 'Temp/Tempscale=', temp/tempscale
61 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) print *, 'Tempscale=', Tempscale, 'edotscale', edotscale
62 |
63 |
64 | END FUNCTION NeutrinoCoolingStrength
65 |
66 | END MODULE NeutrinoCooling