1 | !#########################################################################
2 | !
3 | ! Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Department of Physics and Astronomy,
4 | ! University of Rochester,
5 | ! Rochester, NY
6 | !
7 | ! source_control.f90 is part of AstroBEAR.
8 | !
9 | ! AstroBEAR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 | ! (at your option) any later version.
13 | !
14 | ! AstroBEAR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | ! GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | !
19 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | ! along with AstroBEAR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | !
22 | !#########################################################################
23 | !> @dir source
24 | !! @brief directory containing modules for handling source terms
25 |
26 | !> @defgroup Source Source Terms
27 | !! @brief Group containing modules for handling source terms
28 |
29 | !> @file source_control.f90
30 | !! @brief Main file for module SourceControl
31 |
32 | !> @defgroup SourceControl Source Control
33 | !! @brief Module for managing various source terms
34 | !! @ingroup Source
35 |
36 | !> Module for managing various source terms
37 | !! @ingroup SourceControl
38 | MODULE SourceControl
39 |
40 | USE DataDeclarations
41 | USE PhysicsDeclarations
42 | USE EOS
43 | USE CoolingSrc
44 | USE CylindricalSrc
45 | USE RadForceSrc
46 | USE UniformGravitySrc
47 | USE PointGravitySrc
48 | USE SelfGravitySrc
49 | USE RotatingSrc
50 | USE Chemistry
51 | USE Outflows
52 | USE ParticleDeclarations
53 |
54 |
57 | PUBLIC Src, SrcInit, SrcFinalizeInit, ReadSourceObjects, SourceCell !CreateSrc, CoolingDef, CreateCoolingObject
58 | SAVE
59 | TYPE(LevelDef) :: currlevel
60 |
61 | ! sources verbosity shorthand
62 | INTEGER :: vb=0
63 |
64 | !> Generic interface for creating sources
65 | INTERFACE CreateSrc
66 | MODULE PROCEDURE CreatePointGravityObject!, CreateCylindricalObject, &
67 | !, CreateUniformGravityObject
69 |
70 |
72 |
73 | !> Read in and initialize parameters for source terms
74 | SUBROUTINE SrcInit(isrcsolvetype,iverbosity)
75 | INTEGER,OPTIONAL :: isrcsolvetype,iverbosity
76 | ! allocate sources & zero out components
77 | CALL PointGravityInit()
78 | IF (lRestart) CALL ReadSourceObjects(restart_frame)
80 |
81 | !> Finalize source term(s) initialization
82 | !! @details All source terms should be set up by user at this point, and
83 | !! all hyperbolic, elliptic, etc., variables defined. Now,
84 | !! set up any additional tables, etc.
85 | !! [BDS][20110106]: Do not initialize cooling source objects on restarts--use the I/O routines for that.
86 | SUBROUTINE SrcFinalizeInit
87 | END SUBROUTINE SrcFinalizeInit
88 |
89 | !> Calculate source terms and update q.
90 | !! @details Take in an Info structure, range, and hydro time step to
91 | !! integrate source term(s).
92 | !! @param Info Info structure
93 | !! @param mb Restricted range to calculate source on grid
94 | !! @param hdt Timestep from the hydro calculation
95 | SUBROUTINE Src(Info, mb, tnow, hdt,divv_opt)
96 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
97 | INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: mb(3,2)
98 | REAL(KIND=qPrec),INTENT(IN) :: hdt, tnow
99 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(:,:,:), OPTIONAL :: divv_opt
100 | CALL Protect(Info,mb, 'before source')
101 | IF (PRESENT(divv_opt)) THEN
102 | CALL ExplicitSrc(Info, mb, tnow, hdt, divv_opt)
103 | ELSE
104 | CALL ExplicitSrc(Info, mb, tnow, hdt)
105 | END IF
106 | CALL Protect(Info,mb, 'after source')
108 |
109 |
110 | ! ==================================================================
111 | ! = Explicit Scheme Section =
112 | ! ==================================================================
113 |
114 |
115 | !> Use subcycling algorithm to calculate source terms.
116 | !! @details When there are no strong source terms present,
117 | !! algorithm uses 2nd order RK to quickly update q.
118 | !! When stiff source terms present, it switches to
119 | !! 4th/5th order RK.
120 | !! @param Info Info structure
121 | !! @param mb Restricted range to calculate source on grid
122 | !! @param hdt Timestep from the hydro calculation
123 | SUBROUTINE ExplicitSrc(Info, mb, tnow, hdt, divv_opt)
124 | ! Interface declarations
125 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
126 | INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: mb(3,2)
127 | REAL(KIND=qPrec),INTENT(IN) :: hdt
128 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(:,:,:), OPTIONAL :: divv_opt
129 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: divv
130 | ! Internal declarations
131 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: tnow, dv
132 | INTEGER :: i,j,k,ip(3)
133 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: volumefactor
134 | LOGICAL :: ghost, ghostz, ghostyz
136 | dv = Levels(Info%level)%dx**ndim
137 | ALLOCATE(q(NrHydroVars))
138 | DO k=mb(3,1),mb(3,2)
139 | Ghostz = .NOT. (k >= 1 .AND. k <= Info%mx(3))
140 | DO j=mb(2,1),mb(2,2)
141 | Ghostyz = Ghostz .OR. .NOT. (j >= 1 .AND. j <= Info%mx(2))
142 | DO i=mb(1,1),mb(1,2)
143 | Ghost = Ghostyz .OR. .NOT. (i >= 1 .AND. i <= Info%mx(1))
144 | IF (Ghost) THEN
145 | VolumeFactor = 0d0
146 | ELSE
147 | IF (Info%Level==MaxLevel) THEN
148 | VolumeFactor = 1d0
149 | ELSE
150 | IF (Info%ChildMask(i,j,k) >= 1) THEN
151 | VolumeFactor = 0d0
152 | ELSE
153 | VolumeFactor = 1d0
154 | END IF
155 | END IF
156 | END IF
157 |
158 | ip=(/i,j,k/)
159 |
160 | ! Method:
161 | ! 1) Try 2nd order Runge-Kutta to get estimate of error for timestep.
162 | ! Should speed things up where source terms are weak.
163 | ! 2) If error is above tolerance, reduce timestep and switch to
164 | ! 5th/4th order RK to do the integration.
165 | ! 3) Iterate at 5th/4th until full timestep reached.
166 |
167 | q=Info%q(i,j,k,1:NrHydroVars)
168 | IF (PRESENT(divv_opt)) THEN
169 | divv=divv_opt(i+1-mb(1,1), j+1-mb(2,1), k+1-mb(3,1))
170 | ELSE
171 | divv=0
172 | END IF
173 | CALL Cons_To_Source(q)
174 | CALL SourceCell(q, Info, ip, tnow, hdt, dv*VolumeFactor,divv)!where it gets complicated
175 | CALL Source_To_Cons(q)
176 |
177 | IF(ANY(q(:).ne.q(:) .OR. abs(q(:)).gt.huge(abs(q(:)))) .AND. .NOT. lRequestRestart) THEN
178 | PRINT*, 'Src routine produced a NAN'
179 | CALL PrintQ(Info, q, tnow, i, j, k)
180 | lRequestRestart=.true.
181 | ! STOP
183 | RETURN
184 | END IF
185 | Info%q(i,j,k,1:NrHydroVars)=q
186 |
187 | END DO
188 | END DO
189 | END DO
191 | !IF(vb>0) THEN
192 |
193 | !END IF
194 | END SUBROUTINE ExplicitSrc
195 |
196 | SUBROUTINE SourceCell(q, Info, ip, tnow, hdt, dv, divv)
197 | ! Interface declarations
198 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
199 | REAL(KIND=qPrec),INTENT(IN) :: hdt
200 | ! Internal declarations
201 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: q(:), neutrinocoolingrate
202 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: pos(3)
203 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: dq(NrHydroVars),tnow,tnext, dv, divv
204 | INTEGER :: ip(3)
205 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: error
206 | LOGICAL :: success
207 |
208 |
209 | ! NeutrinoCoolingRate = GetCoolingStrength(q)
210 | ! IF (q(1)>0.0001) THEN
211 | ! IF (MPI_ID==0) PRINT *, 'iE_init=', q(iE), 'hdt=', hdt
212 | ! IF (MPI_ID==0) PRINT *, 'NeutrinoCoolingRate (de/dt)=', NeutrinoCoolingRate, '*hdt=', NeutrinoCoolingRate*hdt
213 | ! IF (MPI_ID==0) PRINT *, 'Predicted change in iE over timestep=', q(iE)-(NeutrinoCoolingRate*hdt)
214 | ! END IF
215 |
216 | tnext=tnow+hdt
217 | pos(1:nDim)=Info%xBounds(1:nDim,1)+(REAL(ip(1:nDim))-half)*levels(Info%level)%dx
218 | IF (nDim == 2) pos(3)=Info%xBounds(3,1)
219 | IF (iCylindrical == NOCYL) CALL PointGravity(q,hdt,pos,tnow,dv,info%Level)
220 | ! CALL PointGravity(q,hdt,pos,tnow,dv,info%Level)
221 | ! 2nd order RK, uses hdt to get full timestep error
222 | CALL RKOrder2(q,dq,pos,tnow,hdt,error,Info,ip, divv)
223 | IF(vb>1) PRINT*,'::ExplicitSrc:RKOrder2 -- dq,error',dq,error
224 |
225 | IF(Error > SrcPrecision) THEN
226 | IF(vb>1) PRINT*,'::ExplicitSrc:RKOrder45, qbefore, tnow, tnext',q,tnow,tnext
227 | ! iterate with 5th/4th order RK to get error & adjust timestep
228 | ! until full timestep is completed
229 | ! The subroutine updates q
230 | CALL RKOrder45(q,pos,hdt,tnow,tnext,Info,ip,divv,success)
231 | IF (.NOT. success .AND. .NOT. lRequestRestart) THEN
232 | write(*,*) 'RK Failed'
233 | CALL PrintQ(Info, q, tnow, ip(1), ip(2), ip(3))
234 | lRequestRestart=.true.
235 | ! CALL OutputDoubleArray(Info%q(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1,k-1,iPhi))
236 | ! CALL OutputDoubleArray(Info%q(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1,k,iPhi))
237 | ! CALL OutputDoubleArray(Info%q(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1,k+1,iPhi))
238 |
239 | ! CALL OutputDoubleArray(Info%q(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1,k-1,iPhiDot))
240 | ! CALL OutputDoubleArray(Info%q(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1,k,iPhiDot))
241 | ! CALL OutputDoubleArray(Info%q(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1,k+1,iPhiDot))
242 | ! STOP
243 | RETURN
244 | END IF
245 | IF(vb>1) PRINT*,'::ExplicitSrc:RKOrder45, qafter, tnow, tnext',q,tnow,tnext
246 |
247 | ELSE
248 | ! good enough at 2nd order, update q
249 | q=q+dq
250 | END IF
251 |
252 | ! IF (q(1)>0.0001) THEN
253 | ! IF (MPI_ID==0) PRINT *, 'Actual change in q(iE) over timestep=', q(iE)
254 | ! END IF
255 | END SUBROUTINE SourceCell
256 |
257 | !> 2nd order Runge-Kutta scheme
258 | !! @params q Fluid variables for this cell
259 | !! @params dq Change in q from source terms
260 | !! @params pos Location of cell
261 | !! @params dt Timestep to integrate over
262 | SUBROUTINE RKOrder2(q,dq,pos,t,dt,error,Info,ip,divv)
263 | ! Interface declarations
264 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
265 | INTEGER :: ip(3)
266 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: q(:)
267 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: dq(NrHydroVars), pos(3), dt, error,t
268 | ! Internal declarations
269 | REAL(KIND=qPrec), ALLOCATABLE :: qstar(:)
270 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: k1(NrHydroVars),k2(NrHydroVars), qerr(NrHydroVars), minscales(NrHydroVars)
271 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: divv
272 | dq=0d0
273 |
274 | ALLOCATE(qStar(NrHydroVars))
275 | ! Runge-Kutta 2nd order: for a function y(t), going from t=t0:t1 with dt=t1-t0,
276 | ! the second order integration is
277 | ! k1 = d(y0)/dt
278 | ! y* = y0 + dt k1
279 | ! k2 = d(y*)/dt
280 | ! y1 = y0 + dt/2 (k1+k2)
281 | ! where in our case y(t) -> q(t) and dq/dt is calculated from the source terms.
282 | ! The error is
283 | ! error = |y*/y1|
284 |
285 | k1 = SrcDerivs(q,pos,t,Info,ip,divv)
286 | WHERE(k1/=k1)k1=0d0
287 | qstar = q + dt*k1
288 | k2 = SrcDerivs(qstar,pos,t+dt,Info,ip,divv)
289 | WHERE(k2/=k2)k2=0d0
290 |
291 | dq=5d-1*dt*(k1+k2)
292 |
293 | IF(ALL(ABS(dq(:))<TINY(dq(:)))) THEN
294 | dq=0d0
295 | error=0d0
296 | ELSE
297 | minscales(1)=minDensity
298 | IF (lMHD) minscales(iBx:iBz) = max(sqrt(max(minDensity, q(1)))*max(SoundSpeed(q), sqrt(MinTemp/TempScale)),maxval(abs(q(iBx:iBz))))
299 | IF (nTracerLo /= 0) minscales(nTracerLo:nTracerHi) = minDensity
300 | minscales(m_low:m_high)=PrimSoundSpeed(q)
301 | IF (iE .ne. 0) minscales(iE)=max(minDensity, q(1))*max(SoundSpeed(q)**2,MinTemp/TempScale)
302 | qerr=q+dq-qstar
303 | error=MAXVAL(ABS(qErr(:))/max(abs(q(:)), minscales(:)))
304 | ! error = MAXVAL(ABS(qstar(:))/ABS(q(:)+dq(:))) !5d-1*dt*(k1+k2)))
305 | END IF
306 |
307 |
308 |
309 |
310 |
311 | DEALLOCATE(qStar)
313 |
314 |
315 | !> Combination 5th/4th order Runge-Kutta scheme
316 | !! @details Algorithm adjusts timestep to subcycle until full timestep is integrated over.
317 | !! Method is based on the Cash-Karp RK algorithm in Numerical Recipes (1992), 710ff.
318 | !! It takes advantage of the fact that six function calls results in formulas
319 | !! for both 4th and 5th order integration, allowing quick ability to measure error
320 | !! and adjust timestep as appropriate.
321 | !! Once the error is acceptable, it uses the 5th order result to update q and continue.
322 | !! @params q Fluid variables for this cell
323 | !! @params pos Location of cell
324 | !! @params hdt Timestep to integrate over
325 | !! @params htnow Time at beginning of timestep
326 | !! @params htnext Time at end of timestep
327 | SUBROUTINE RKOrder45(q,pos,hdt,htnow,htnext,Info,ip,divv,success)
328 | ! Interface declarations
329 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
330 | INTEGER :: ip(3)
331 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: q(:)
332 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: pos(3),hdt,htnow,htnext
333 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: divv
334 | ! Internal declarations
335 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: dt,tnow,tnext
336 | INTEGER,PARAMETER :: MaxIters=1d4
337 | INTEGER :: niter
338 | REAL(KIND=qPrec),ALLOCATABLE :: qStar(:)
339 | ! CKRK stuff, see above reference for table
340 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: k1(NrHydroVars),k2(NrHydroVars),k3(NrHydroVars),k4(NrHydroVars),k5(NrHydroVars),k6(NrHydroVars), qTemp(NrHydroVars), qErr(NrHydroVars), maxerror, minscales(NrHydroVars)
341 | REAL(KIND=qPrec),PARAMETER :: A1=0.0, A2=0.2, A3=0.3, A4=0.6, A5=1.0, A6=0.875 &
342 | , B21=0.2 &
343 | , B31=3./40., B32=9./40. &
344 | , B41=0.3, B42=-0.9, B43=1.2 &
345 | , B51=-11./54., B52=2.5, B53=-70./27., B54=35./27. &
346 | , B61=1631./55296., B62=175./512., B63=575./13824., B64=44275./110592., B65=253./4096. &
347 | , C1=37./378., C3=250./621., C4=125./594., C6=512./1771. &
348 | , DC1=C1-2825./27648., DC3=C3-18575./48384., DC4=C4-13525./55296., DC5=-277./14336., DC6=C6-0.25
349 | REAL(KIND=qPrec),PARAMETER :: SAFETY=0.9, PSHRNK=-0.25, PGROW=-0.2
350 | LOGICAL :: success
351 | !
352 | ALLOCATE(qStar(NrHydroVars))
353 | dt=hdt
354 | tnow=htnow
355 | tnext=htnext
356 |
357 | k1=0d0;k2=0d0;k3=0d0;k4=0d0;k5=0d0;k6=0d0
358 |
359 | DO niter=1,MaxIters
360 | !
361 | ! Cash-Karp RK functions, see above reference for details
362 | !
363 | k1 = SrcDerivs(q,pos,tnow,Info,ip, divv)
364 | WHERE(k1/=k1)k1=0
365 | qStar = q + dt*( B21*k1 )
366 | k2 = SrcDerivs(qStar,pos,tnow+dt*A2,Info,ip, divv)
367 | WHERE(k2/=k2)k2=0
368 | qStar = q + dt*( B31*k1 + B32*k2 )
369 | k3 = SrcDerivs(qStar,pos,tnow+dt*(A3),Info,ip, divv)
370 | WHERE(k3/=k3)k3=0
371 | qStar = q + dt*( B41*k1 + B42*k2 + B43*k3 )
372 | k4 = SrcDerivs(qStar,pos,tnow+dt*(A4),Info,ip, divv)
373 | WHERE(k4/=k4)k4=0
374 | qStar = q + dt*( B51*k1 + B52*k2 + B53*k3 + B54*k4 )
375 | k5 = SrcDerivs(qStar,pos,tnow+dt*(A5),Info,ip, divv)
376 | WHERE(k5/=k5)k5=0
377 | qStar = q + dt*( B61*k1 + B62*k2 + B63*k3 + B64*k4 + B65*k5 )
378 | k6 = SrcDerivs(qStar,pos,tnow+dt*(A6),Info,ip, divv)
379 | WHERE(k6/=k6)k6=0
380 | qTemp = q + dt*( C1*k1 + C3*k3 + C4*k4 + C6*k6 )
381 | qErr = dt*( DC1*k1 + DC3*k3 + DC4*k4 + DC5*k5 + DC6*k6 )
382 |
383 | !
384 | ! Error evaluation & timestep adjustment
385 | !
386 | ! IF(vb>1) WRITE(*,'(A,10E20.12)')'qtemp ',qtemp(1)
387 | ! IF(vb>1) WRITE(*,'(A,10E20.12)')'qerr ',qerr(1)
388 | IF(vb>1) PRINT*,'qtemp ',qtemp
389 | IF(vb>1) PRINT*,'qerr ',qerr
390 |
391 | minscales(1)=minDensity
392 | IF (lMHD) minscales(iBx:iBz) = max(sqrt(max(minDensity, q(1)))*max(SoundSpeed(q), sqrt(MinTemp/TempScale)),maxval(abs(q(iBx:iBz))))
393 | IF (nTracerLo /= 0) minscales(nTracerLo:nTracerHi) = minDensity
394 | minscales(m_low:m_high)=PrimSoundSpeed(q)
395 | IF (iE .ne. 0) minscales(iE)=max(minDensity, q(1))*max(SoundSpeed(q)**2,MinTemp/TempScale)
396 | maxerror=MAXVAL(ABS(qErr(:))/max(abs(q(:)), minscales(:)))
397 | IF (vb>1) print*,maxerror
398 | IF(maxerror > SrcPrecision) THEN
399 | ! reduce timestep and retry
400 | dt = MAX( SAFETY*dt*(maxerror/SrcPrecision)**PSHRNK, dt/MaxIters)
401 | IF(dt <= TINY(dt) .AND. .NOT. lRequestRestart) THEN
402 | PRINT*,'Src Error::RKOrder45 -- timestep insignificant. Halting.'
403 | ! PRINT*,' Iterations/MaxIters: ',niter, MaxIters
404 | ! PRINT*,' Last timestep, full timestep: ',dt, hdt
405 | ! PRINT*,' Current time, hydro begin/end time: ',tnow,htnow,htnext
406 | ! PRINT*,' Time left to go: ',htnow-tnow
407 | CALL PrintQ(Info, q, htnow, ip(1),ip(2),ip(3))
408 | lRequestRestart=.true.
409 | success=.false.
410 | EXIT
411 | ! STOP
412 | ! RETURN
413 |
414 | END IF
415 | ! tnow remains the same; update tnext
416 | tnext=tnow+dt
417 | ELSE
418 | q = qTemp
419 | tnow=tnow+dt
420 | dt = MAX( MIN( SAFETY*dt*(maxerror/SrcPrecision)**PGROW, 5*dt, htnext-tnow), 0d0)
421 | tnext=tnow+dt
422 | IF(dt <= TINY(dt)) THEN
423 | ! end of full timestep reached
424 | success=.true.
425 | EXIT
426 | END IF
427 | END IF
428 | END DO
429 |
430 | IF(niter>MaxIters .AND. .NOT. lRequestRestart) THEN
431 | PRINT*,'Src Error::RKOrder45 -- maximum number of iterations reached.'
432 | ! PRINT*,' Max iterations: ',MaxIters
433 | ! PRINT*,' Last timestep, full timestep: ',dt, hdt
434 | ! PRINT*,' Current time, hydro begin/end time: ',tnow,htnow,htnext
435 | ! PRINT*,' Time left to go: ',htnow-tnow
436 | CALL PrintQ(Info, q, htnow, ip(1), ip(2), ip(3))
437 | ! STOP
438 | lRequestRestart=.true.
439 | success=.false.
440 | END IF
441 | DEALLOCATE(qStar)
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 | ! ==================================================================
447 | ! = ~~~ Wrapper Subroutines/Functions ~~~ =
448 | ! ==================================================================
449 |
450 | !> Changes to q (dqdt) for all source terms
451 | !! @params q Fluid variables for this cell
452 | !! @params pos Location of cell
453 | FUNCTION SrcDerivs(q,pos,t,Info,ip, divv)
454 | ! Interface declarations
455 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
456 | INTEGER :: ip(3)
457 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: q(:), ne, Temp, r
458 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: pos(3), SrcDerivs(NrHydroVars), t, particlepos(3), offsetpos(3)
459 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: divv
460 | ! Internal declarations
461 | REAL(KIND=qPrec) :: dqdt(NrHydroVars)
462 | TYPE(particleListDef), Pointer :: particlelist
463 | TYPE(particleDef), Pointer :: particle
464 | dqdt=0d0
465 | IF (iCooling /= 0 .OR. lChemistry) THEN
466 | Temp=SourceTemperature(q)
467 | IF (lTrackHydrogen .OR. lTrackHelium) ne=get_ne(q)
468 | IF (lChemistry) CALL ChemReactions(q, dqdt, ne, Temp)
469 | IF (Temp > FloorTemp) THEN
470 | IF (iCooling /= 0) CALL Cooling(q, dqdt, ne, Temp, divv, pos)
471 | end if
472 | END IF
473 |
474 | IF (iCylindrical.ge.NoCyl .and. iCylindrical.le.WithAngMom) THEN
475 | IF (iCylindrical.ne.NoCyl) CALL Cylindrical(q,dqdt,pos)!,currlevel%dx)
476 | ELSE
477 | print*,'';print*,'iCylindrical= ',iCylindrical
478 | print*,'but should be either 0, 1 or 2. Aborting.'
479 | stop
480 | END IF
481 |
482 | IF (luniformgravity) CALL UniformGravity_src(q,dqdt,t)
483 | IF (OmegaRot /= 0d0) CALL Rotating(q, dqdt, pos)
484 | IF (iCylindrical /= NOCYL) CALL PointGravity_inst(q,dqdt,pos,t) !moved to source cell for improved mom. cons.
485 | IF (CentralLuminosity /= 0) CALL RadForce(q,dqdt,pos,t)
486 |
487 | SrcDerivs=dqdt
488 | END FUNCTION SrcDerivs
489 |
490 |
491 |
492 | !> Reads source-term objects from a Chombo file. Currently, only cooling is implemented.
493 | !! @param nframe The number of the restart frame.
494 | SUBROUTINE ReadSourceObjects(nframe)
495 |
496 | #if defined _HDF5
497 | USE ChomboDeclarations, ONLY: ChomboHandle, CreateChomboHandle, CloseChomboHandle, CHOMBO_HANDLE_READ, &
498 | Chombo_OpenSourceGroup, Chombo_CloseSourceGroup
499 |
500 | USE PointGravitySrc, ONLY: PointGravityDef, CreatePointGravityObject, PointGravity_ReadObjectFromChombo
501 | USE Outflows, ONLY: OutflowDef, CreateOutflow, Outflow_ReadObjectFromChombo
502 | #endif
503 |
504 | INTEGER :: nframe
505 |
506 | #if defined _HDF5
507 | ! Variable declarations
508 | TYPE(ChomboHandle), POINTER :: chandle
509 | TYPE(PointGravityDef), POINTER :: gravity_obj
510 | TYPE(OutflowDef), POINTER :: outflow_obj
511 | INTEGER :: nr_pointgravityObj, nr_outflowobj
512 | CHARACTER(LEN=23) :: s_filename
513 |
514 |
515 | ! Open a reading handle for the specified frame.
516 | WRITE(s_filename, '(A10,I5.5,A4)') 'out/chombo', nframe, '.hdf'
517 | CALL CreateChomboHandle(s_filename, chandle, CHOMBO_HANDLE_READ)
518 |
519 |
520 | !!! Begin Check For Point Gravity Terms !!!
521 | ! Open the 'point_gravity_objects' group and save the handle.
522 | nr_pointgravityObj = Chombo_OpenSourceGroup(chandle, "point_gravity_objects")
523 | chandle%source_offset = 0
524 |
525 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) "Reading in point graity objects", nr_pointgravityObj
526 | ! Read source objects from the data file until the expected number of objects is read.
527 | DO WHILE (chandle%source_offset < nr_pointgravityObj)
528 |
529 | ! Create a new gravity object.
530 | NULLIFY(gravity_obj)
531 | CALL CreatePointGravityObject(gravity_obj)
532 |
533 | ! Read in the point gravity data from the Chombo file. This subroutine also advances the
534 | ! chandle%source_offset variable.
535 | CALL PointGravity_ReadObjectFromChombo(chandle, gravity_obj)
536 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) 'read in gravity_obj', gravity_obj%id
537 | END DO
538 | ! Close the source term group. This also clears the source term offset.
539 | CALL Chombo_CloseSourceGroup(chandle)
540 |
541 | nr_outflowObj = Chombo_OpenSourceGroup(chandle, "outflow_objects")
542 | chandle%source_offset = 0
543 |
544 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) "Reading in outflow objects", nr_outflowObj
545 | ! Read source objects from the data file until the expected number of objects is read.
546 | DO WHILE (chandle%source_offset < nr_outflowobj)
547 |
548 | ! Create a new gravity object.
549 | NULLIFY(outflow_obj)
550 | CALL CreateOutflow(outflow_obj)
551 |
552 | ! Read in the point gravity data from the Chombo file. This subroutine also advances the
553 | ! chandle%source_offset variable.
554 | CALL Outflow_ReadObjectFromChombo(chandle, outflow_obj)
555 | ! IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) "read in outflow_obj with id", outflow_obj%objid
556 | CALL UpdateOutflow(outflow_obj)
557 |
558 | END DO
559 | ! Close the source term group. This also clears the source term offset.
560 | CALL Chombo_CloseSourceGroup(chandle)
561 |
562 | CALL CloseChomboHandle(chandle)
563 |
564 | #else
565 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) THEN
566 | WRITE(*,*) "Unable to Read Source Objects without chombo support"
567 | STOP
568 | END IF
569 | #endif
570 |
571 | END SUBROUTINE ReadSourceObjects
572 | END MODULE SourceControl
573 |