1 | !#########################################################################
2 | !
3 | ! Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Department of Physics and Astronomy,
4 | ! University of Rochester,
5 | ! Rochester, NY
6 | !
7 | ! problem.f90 of module Binary is part of AstroBEAR.
8 | !
9 | ! AstroBEAR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 | ! (at your option) any later version.
13 | !
14 | ! AstroBEAR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | ! GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | !
19 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | ! along with AstroBEAR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | !
22 | !#########################################################################
23 | !> @dir OrbitingParticles
24 | !! @brief Contains files necessary for the Orbiting Particles test problem
25 |
26 | !> @file problem.f90
27 | !! @brief Main file for module Problem
28 |
29 | !> @defgroup OrbitingParticles Orbiting Particle Module
30 | !! @brief Module for setting up orbiting particles
31 | !! @ingroup Modules
32 |
33 | !> Orbiting Particle Module
34 | !! @ingroup OrbitingParticles
35 | MODULE Problem
36 | USE DataDeclarations
37 | USE ParticleDeclarations
38 | USE Ambients
39 | USE Disks
40 | USE Winds
42 | SAVE
43 | PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, &
44 | ProblemBeforeStep, ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
45 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: alpha, densw, velw, t1, t2
46 | INTEGER :: radiusw, nWinds
47 | LOGICAL :: windsPresent=.false., disk=.false.
48 | !TYPE(pWindDef), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: MyWinds
49 |
51 |
52 | !> Initializes module variables
53 | SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit()
54 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
55 | TYPE(WindDef), POINTER :: Wind
56 | INTEGER :: nParticles, edge
57 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: mass=0
58 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: xloc(3)
59 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: vel(3)
60 | TYPE(ParticleDef), POINTER :: Particle
61 | TYPE(ParticleListDef), POINTER :: particlelist
62 | INTEGER :: i, grav_soft_rad
63 | INTEGER :: ids(2)
64 | TYPE(AmbientDef), POINTER :: Ambient
65 | TYPE(DiskDef), POINTER :: mydisk
66 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: time, rhoOut, pOut, vxOut, vyOut, vzOut, BxOut, ByOut, BzOut, &
67 | buff(17)
68 | NAMELIST /AmbientData/ rhoOut, pOut, vxOut, vyOut, vzOut, BxOut, ByOut, BzOut
69 | NAMELIST /ProblemData/ nParticles, densw, velw, windsPresent, disk, t1, t2
70 | NAMELIST /ParticleData/ mass,xloc,vel,alpha,radiusw,grav_soft_rad, buff
71 | NAMELIST /RestartData/ ids
72 |
73 | ! time=levels(Info%level)%tnow
74 |
77 |
78 | if (.not. lrestart) then
79 | CALL CreateAmbient(Ambient)
81 | if (disk) then
82 | Ambient%density=1d0
83 | else ; Ambient%density=rhoOut
84 | end if
85 | Ambient%pressure=Ambient%density
86 | Ambient%B(:)=(/BxOut, ByOut, BzOut/)
87 | Ambient%velocity(:)=(/vxOut, vyOut, vzOut/)
88 | end if
89 |
90 | if (windsPresent) then
91 | DO i=1,nDim
92 | DO edge=1,2
93 | IF (Gmthbc(i,edge) == 1) THEN
94 | NULLIFY(Wind)
95 | CALL CreateWind(Wind)
96 | Wind%dir=i
97 | Wind%edge=edge
98 | Wind%type=OUTFLOW_ONLY
99 | END IF
100 | END DO
101 | END DO
102 | ! ALLOCATE(MyWinds(6))
103 | ! nWinds=0
104 | ! DO i=1,nDim
105 | ! DO edge=1,2
106 | ! IF (Gmthbc(i,edge) == 1) THEN
107 | ! nWinds=nWinds+1
108 | ! CALL CreateWind(MyWinds(nWinds)%p)
109 | ! MyWinds(nWinds)%p%dir=i
110 | ! MyWinds(nWinds)%p%edge=edge
111 | ! MyWinds(nWinds)%p%type=OUTFLOW_ONLY
112 | ! END IF
113 | ! END DO
114 | ! END DO
115 | end if
116 |
117 | IF (lRestart) THEN
118 | particleList=>SinkParticles
119 | i=1
120 | DO WHILE (ASSOCIATED(particlelist))
121 | particle=>particlelist%self
123 |
124 | if (i==1) then
125 | Particle%PointGravityObj%soft_length=REAL(grav_soft_rad,qPREC)*sink_dx
126 | Particle%PointGravityObj%alpha = alpha
127 | if (alpha==0d0) then
128 | Particle%iAccrete=NOACCRETION
129 | else
130 | Particle%iAccrete=KRUMHOLZ_ACCRETION
131 | ! see particle_declarations
132 | end if
133 | end if
134 |
135 | !if (time.ge.t1 .and. time.le.t2) then
136 | ! Particle%PointGravityObj%alpha = alpha*(time-t1)/(t2-t1) ! (0,1)
137 | !else ; Particle%PointGravityObj%alpha = 0d0
138 | !end if
139 |
140 | IF (i==2) THEN
141 | CALL CreateOutflowObject(Particle%OutflowObj)
142 | Particle%OutflowObj%duration = 1.e30
143 | Particle%OutflowObj%radius =REAL(radiusw,qPREC)*sink_dx
144 | Particle%OutflowObj%thickness =REAL(radiusw,qPREC)*sink_dx
145 | Particle%OutflowObj%open_angle = Pi
146 | Particle%OutflowObj%density = densw
147 | Particle%OutflowObj%temperature = 1d0
148 | Particle%OutflowObj%velocity = velw
149 | Particle%OutflowObj%source_vel(1:nDim) = Particle%Q(imom(1:nDim))
150 | Particle%OutflowObj%position= Particle%xloc
151 | CALL UpdateOutflow(Particle%OutflowObj)
152 | END IF
153 | particlelist=>particlelist%next
154 | i=i+1
155 | END DO
156 |
157 | ELSE!lrestart
158 |
159 | DO i=1,nParticles
161 | NULLIFY(Particle)
162 | CALL CreateParticle(Particle)
163 | Particle%Q(1)=mass
164 | Particle%xloc=xloc
165 | Particle%Q(imom(1:nDim))=vel(1:nDim)
166 | Particle%Buffer=buff
167 | CALL AddSinkParticle(Particle)
168 |
169 | if (i==1) then
170 | Particle%iAccrete=KRUMHOLZ_ACCRETION
171 | CALL CreatePointGravityObject(Particle%PointGravityObj)
172 | Particle%PointGravityObj%alpha = alpha
173 | Particle%PointGravityObj%soft_length = REAL(grav_soft_rad,qPREC)*sink_dx
174 | Particle%PointGravityObj%soft_function =SPLINESOFT
175 | Particle%PointGravityObj%Mass =Particle%Q(1)
176 | Particle%PointGravityObj%v0(1:nDim) =Particle%Q(imom(1:nDim))
177 | Particle%PointGravityObj%x0 =Particle%xloc
178 | end if
179 | !
180 | !!!
181 | if (disk) then
182 | ALLOCATE(MyDisk)
183 | ! mydisk%HeightProfile=0
184 | !mydisk%HeightProfile=1 !flared
185 | mydisk%soft_length=REAL(grav_soft_rad,qPREC)*sink_dx
186 | mydisk%soft_function=SPLINESOFT
187 | mydisk%density=densw
188 | mydisk%pressure= &!mydisk%density
189 | Ambient%pressure
190 | mydisk%velocity=Particle%Q(imom(1:nDim))
191 | !
192 | mydisk%theta=0d0 !5feb12
193 | !mydisk%theta=10d0*(Pi/180d0) !4feb12
194 | !mydisk%theta=Pi*.5d0 !3feb12
195 | !
196 | mydisk%phi=0d0
197 | mydisk%position=Particle%xloc
198 | mydisk%thickness=0d0
199 | mydisk%radius= 2d0 !6dec
200 | !1d0
201 | !6d0*REAL(radiusw,qPREC)*sink_dx
202 | !24d0*sink_dx
203 | ! if (.not.mydisk%HeightProfile)
204 | mydisk%height=2d0*REAL(grav_soft_rad,qPREC)*sink_dx
205 | !mydisk%height=mydisk%radius*.1d0
206 | mydisk%central_mass=mass
207 | CALL UpdateDisk(mydisk)
208 | end if!lock
209 | !!!
210 | !
211 | IF (i.eq.2) THEN
212 | CALL CreateOutflowObject(Particle%OutflowObj)
213 | Particle%OutflowObj%duration = 1.e30
214 | Particle%OutflowObj%radius =REAL(radiusw,qPREC)*sink_dx
215 | Particle%OutflowObj%thickness =REAL(radiusw,qPREC)*sink_dx
216 | Particle%OutflowObj%open_angle = Pi
217 | Particle%OutflowObj%density = densw
218 | Particle%OutflowObj%temperature = 1d0
219 | Particle%OutflowObj%velocity = velw
220 | Particle%OutflowObj%source_vel(1:nDim) = Particle%Q(imom(1:nDim))
221 | Particle%OutflowObj%position= Particle%xloc
222 | CALL UpdateOutflow(Particle%OutflowObj)
223 | END IF
224 | END DO
225 | END IF!lrestart=0/1
227 |
228 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit
229 |
230 | !> Applies initial conditions
231 | !! @param Info Info object
232 | SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
233 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
234 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit
235 |
236 | !> Applies Boundary conditions
237 | !! @param Info Info object
238 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
239 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
240 | INTEGER :: i, nParticles, grav_soft_rad
241 | REAL(KIND=xprec) :: beta,time, mass, xloc(3), vel(3),buff(17)
242 | TYPE(ParticleListDef), POINTER :: particlelist
243 | TYPE(ParticleDef), POINTER :: Particle
244 | LOGICAL,SAVE :: lock=.false.
245 | NAMELIST /ProblemData/ nParticles, densw, velw, windsPresent, disk, t1, t2
246 | NAMELIST /ParticleData/ mass,xloc,vel,alpha,radiusw,grav_soft_rad, buff
247 |
248 | return
249 |
250 | time=levels(Info%level)%tnow
251 | if (time.lt.t1) then ; return
252 | else if (time.ge.t1 .and. time.le.t2) then
253 | beta = (time-t1)/(t2-t1) ! 0<= beta <=1
254 | else ; beta=1d0
255 | end if
256 |
259 | particleList=>SinkParticles
260 | i=1
261 | DO WHILE (ASSOCIATED(particlelist))
262 | particle=>particlelist%self
264 | if (i==1) then
265 | Particle%PointGravityObj%alpha =alpha*beta
266 | !print*,'t1,t2i,a*b=',t1,t2,i,alpha*beta
267 | end if
268 | particlelist=>particlelist%next
269 | i=i+1
270 | END DO
272 |
273 | if (time.gt.t2 .and. Particle%PointGravityObj%alpha.eq.1d0) lock=.true.
274 |
275 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
276 |
277 | !> Could be used to update grids pre-output
278 | !! @param Info Info Object
279 | SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
280 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
281 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
282 |
283 | !> Could be used to set force refinement
284 | !! @param Info Info object
285 | SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
286 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
287 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
288 |
289 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n)
290 | INTEGER :: n
291 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
292 |
293 | END MODULE Problem
294 |