1 | !---------------------------------------------------------------
2 | ! This is the problem module for the Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
3 | !---------------------------------------------------------------
4 | MODULE Problem
5 |
6 | ! In general, DataDeclarations is always used since it defines the InfoDef type
7 | ! PhysicsDeclarations and GlobalDeclarations are almost always used
8 | ! To see exactly what these "sub-modules" define, look at their .f90 files in the astrobear directory
9 | USE DataDeclarations
10 | USE PhysicsDeclarations
11 | USE GlobalDeclarations
12 | USE SourceDeclarations
14 | SAVE
15 |
16 | ! This PUBLIC statement must be present
17 | PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, &
18 | ProblemBeforeStep, ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag
19 |
20 | ! Some variables are used in more than one SUBROUTINE so they are defined here
21 | ! qPREC is a type of precision defined in GlobalDeclarations
22 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), PUBLIC :: DensityAbove, DensityBelow, Amplitude, atwood_number, wave_number, lambda_analytic
23 |
25 |
26 | ! Initialize module variables
27 | SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit()
28 |
29 | ! Define variables and namelists
30 | INTEGER :: OpenStatus
31 | NAMELIST /ProblemData/ DensityAbove, DensityBelow, Amplitude
32 |
33 | ! Open problem.data and read in data
34 | ! Problem_Data_Handle is just an integer defined in GlobalDeclarations
35 | ! OpenStatus variable could be used to check if file is opening correctly
36 | OPEN(UNIT=Problem_Data_Handle, FILE='problem.data', STATUS="OLD",IOSTAT=OpenStatus)
37 | READ(Problem_Data_Handle, NML=ProblemData)
38 | CLOSE(Problem_Data_Handle)
39 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit
40 |
41 | ! Initialize data arrays
42 | SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
43 |
44 | ! User defined variables, note which ones must be REAL and which are INTEGER
45 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
46 | INTEGER :: rmbc, zrmbc, mx, my, mz, i, j, k
47 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: x, y, z, rho, P, Lx, Ly, Lz, vy
48 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: dx, dz, xlower, ylower, zlower
49 |
50 | ! Initializes the q-array
51 | Info%q=0
52 |
53 | ! levels is defined in GlobalDeclarations
54 | rmbc=levels(Info%level)%gmbc(levels(Info%level)%step)
55 |
56 | ! Assign some useful values with convenient names for ease of use and readability
57 | ! Gxbounds is defined in GlobalDeclarations
58 | mx=Info%mX(1); dx=levels(Info%level)%dX; xlower=Info%xbounds(1,1); Lx=Gxbounds(1,2)-Gxbounds(1,1)
59 | my=Info%mX(2); dz=levels(Info%level)%dX; ylower=Info%xbounds(2,1); Ly=Gxbounds(2,2)-Gxbounds(2,1)
60 | mz=Info%mX(3); zlower=Info%xbounds(3,1); Lz=Gxbounds(3,2)-Gxbounds(3,1)
61 |
62 | ! Allows for 2D or 3D simulations
63 | ! Note that in 2D, Lz is explicitly set to 1 so there is no divide by zero in the perturbation
64 | SELECT CASE(nDim)
65 | CASE(2)
66 | zrmbc=0;mz=1;zlower=0;dz=0;Lz=1
67 | CASE(3)
68 | zrmbc=rmbc
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 | ! Initialize the grid
74 | DO k=1-zrmbc, mz+zrmbc
75 | DO j=1-rmbc, my+rmbc
76 | DO i=1-rmbc, mx+rmbc
77 |
78 | ! Cell-to-space conversion (half is defined in GlobalDeclarations)
79 | x=(xlower + (REAL(i) - half) * dx)
80 | y=(ylower + (REAL(j) - half) * dx)
81 | z=(zlower + (REAL(k) - half) * dz)
82 |
83 | ! Define density profile
84 | IF (y < 0) THEN
85 | rho = DensityBelow
86 | ELSE
87 | rho = DensityAbove
88 | END IF
89 |
90 | ! Define pressure gradient
91 | P = 2.5 - rho * mCentral * y
92 |
93 | ! Define perturbation (Pi is defined in PhysicsDeclarations)
94 | vy = Amplitude * (1+COS(2*Pi*x/Lx)) * (1+COS(2*Pi*y/Ly)) * (1+COS(2*Pi*z/Lz)) / 8
95 |
96 | ! Put information into q-array (gamma, ivy, iE are defined in PhysicsDeclarations)
97 | Info%q(i, j, k, 1) = rho
98 | Info%q(i, j, k, ivy) = rho * vy
99 | Info%q(i, j, k, iE) = P / (gamma - 1.0) + half * rho * vy**2
100 | END DO
101 | END DO
102 | END DO
103 |
104 | ! For analysis...calculates the analytic growth rate and saves it in a file
105 | atwood_number = (DensityAbove - DensityBelow) / (DensityAbove + DensityBelow)
106 | wave_number = 2*Pi/Lx
107 | lambda_analytic = SQRT(atwood_number * wave_number * mCentral)
108 | OPEN(UNIT=82,FILE='GrowthRate.data',STATUS='REPLACE')
109 | WRITE(82,*) lambda_analytic
110 | CLOSE(82)
111 |
112 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit
113 |
114 | ! Place any pre-processing operations here (This is what is meant by leaving a SUBROUTINE as a stub)
115 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
116 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
117 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
118 |
119 | ! Place any post-processing operations here
120 | SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
121 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
122 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
123 |
124 | ! Can be used to set additional refinement
125 | SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
126 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
127 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: pos
128 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), PARAMETER :: lambda = 0.6472
129 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(0:MaxLevel) :: mybuffer
130 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: offsets
131 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(3,2) :: xBounds
132 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(3,2) :: mS
134 | INTEGER :: i, nOverlaps
135 | mybuffer(0:MaxLevel)=(/5d-2,25d-3,125d-4/)
136 | xBounds=GxBounds
137 | pos=0.003*EXP(lambda*levels(Info%level)%tnow) + mybuffer(Info%level)
138 | xBounds(2,:)=(/-pos,+pos/)
139 | CALL CalcPhysicalOverlaps(Info, xBounds, mSs, nOverlaps, offsets, IEVERYWHERE, lHydroPeriodic,0)
140 | IF (nOverlaps > 0) THEN
141 | DO i=1,nOverlaps
142 | mS=mSs(i,:,:)
143 | Info%ErrFlag(mS(1,1):mS(1,2), mS(2,1):mS(2,2), mS(3,1):mS(3,2)) = 1
144 | END DO
145 | DEALLOCATE(mSs, offsets)
146 | NULLIFY(mSs, offsets)
147 | END IF
148 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
149 |
150 | END MODULE Problem