1 | !================================================================================
2 | ! AstroBEAR physics.data file.
3 | ! Input data describing built-in physics-related parameters of the code.
4 | ! Created for problem: Template
5 | ! Default values for variables in [brackets]
6 | !================================================================================
7 |
8 | &EOSData
9 | !================================================================================
10 | ! Equation of State stuff
11 | !================================================================================
12 | iEOS = 0 ! Equation of State [0]-ideal gas, 1-MultiSpecies gas, 3-Van der Waals gas, 4-Isothermal, 5-Marshak Radiation Test
13 | gamma = 1.666 ! Adiabatic index used for ideal gas and Van der Waals gas [1.66666666667]
14 | IsoTemp = 10d0 ! Isothermal temperature for Isothermal EOS
15 | CriticalDens = 30.693677103 ! maximum density in Van der Waals EOS
16 | AttractionParam = 1.38d6 ! attraction pram in Van der Waals EOS
17 | Marshak_epsilon = .5 ! Ratio of Equilibrium Radiation energy density to thermal energy density
18 | /
19 |
20 | &AbundanceData
21 | !================================================================================
22 | ! Abundance information
23 | ! Define Xmu or set it to zero and it will be calculated from everything else.
24 | !================================================================================
25 | HeFrac = .084d0 ! Ratio of Helium Nuclei to Hydrogen Nuclei
26 | xH = .01d0 ! Ionization fraction of Hydrogenn
27 | xHe = 0d0 ! Ionization fraction of Helium (singly ionized)
28 | xHeII = 0d0 ! Ionization fraction of Helium (doubly ionized)
29 | ZFrac = .00126d0 ! Ratio of Metal Nuclei to Hydrogen Nuclei
30 | xZ = .001d0 ! Ionization fraction of metals
31 | Zmu = 16d0 ! Mean atomic mass of metals - (including electrons from ionized metals)
32 | Xmu = 1d0 ! Mean atomic mass of everything - (including all free electrons and nuclei)
33 | /
34 |
35 | &PhysicsData
36 | !================================================================================
37 | ! Field based refinement control
38 | !================================================================================
39 | InterpOpts = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! [0]-constant, 1-minmod, 2-superbee, 3-vanLeer, 4-mc, 5-Parabolic (not conservative), 6-Linear (not limited). It is recommended to use constant interpolation for any fields in q that correspond to aux fields (iBx, iBy, iBz, etc...)
40 | refineVariableFactor = 1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0,1d0 ! weight factors for each field used in triggering refinement. Combined with qtolerance for that level. [1d0]
41 |
42 | !================================================================================
43 | ! Global source term switches
44 | !================================================================================
45 | iSelfGravity = 0 ! [0]-No Self Gravity, 1-Momentumn Conserving SelfGravity, 2-Non momentum conserving self-gravity
46 | DefaultAccretionRoutine = 2!1 ! 0-No accretion, [1]-Federrath Accretion, [2]-Krumholz Accretion
47 | UniformGravity = 0d0 ! Gravitational acceleration in the -y direction [0d0]
48 | OmegaRot = 0d0 ! Shifts to a rotating reference frame (enables coriolis and centripetal force terms)
49 | iCylindrical = 0!1 ! [0]-No cylindrical geometry, 1-Cylindrical with no angular momentum, 2-Cylindrical with angular momentum
50 | iCooling = 0 ! Cooling module [NoCool=0, AnalyticCool=1, DMCool=2, IICool=3, ZCool=4]
51 | FloorTemp = 1d-10 ! Temperature at which to shut of cooling source terms
52 | SrcPrecision = 1d-3 ! Relative precision desired for source terms. [1d-3]
53 | lTrackHydrogen = .false. ! Track Hydrogen ionization and recombination (Currently only works with iEOS=1 (MultiSpecies)
54 | lTrackHelium = .false. ! Track Helium ionization and recombination (Currently only works with iEOS=1 (MultiSpecies)
55 | iLineTransfer = 0 ! Turn on photo-ionizing line transfer from left by setting to 1.
56 | LineTransferFlux = 0 ! Incoming flux at left boundary in units of cm^-2 s^-1 used if iLineTransfer=1
57 |
58 | !================================================================================
59 | ! Density Protection Options
60 | !================================================================================
61 | lRestartOnDensityProtections = .false. ! Do density protections trigger restarts? [.false.]
62 | lTrackDensityProtections = .false. ! Track density protections [.false.]
63 | iDensityProtect = 2 ! 0-Set to MinDensity, 1-Set to minimum nearby density, [2]-Average nearby densities
64 | iMomentumProtect = 2 ! 0-Conserve momentum, 1-Set to zero, [2]-Average nearby velocities
65 | MinDensity = 1d-10 ! Minimum computational density before protection is triggered [1d-10]
66 |
67 | !================================================================================
68 | ! Pressure Protection Options
69 | !================================================================================
70 | lRestartOnPressureProtections = .false. ! Do pressure protections trigger restarts? [.false.]
71 | lTrackPressureProtections = .false. ! Track pressure protections [.false.]
72 | iPressureProtect = 2 ! 0-Set to MinTemp, 1-Set to minimim nearby pressure, [2]-Set to average nearby pressure, 3-Set to minimum nearby temperature, 4-Set to average nearby temperature
73 | MinTemp = 1d-2 ! [1d-10] minimum allowed temperature for the system in Kelvin before protection is triggered
74 |
75 | !================================================================================
76 | ! Other Protection Options
77 | !================================================================================
78 | lRestartOnHypreMaxIters = T ! Restart steps if hypre does not converge
79 |
80 | !================================================================================
81 | ! Description of various scaling parameters
82 | ! Define lScale and one of [nScale, rScale], and one of [TimeScale, TempScale, or pScale]. Other combinations are possible - as long as the scales are consistent with each other.
83 | !================================================================================
84 | nScale = 100d0, ! number density scale parameter [particles/cc]
85 | rScale = 0d0, ! density scale [g/cc]
86 | TimeScale = 0d0, ! time scale [s] (day=8.64d4, yr=3.1556926d7
87 | TempScale = 100d0, ! temperature scale parameter [Kelvin]
88 | pScale = 0d0, ! pressure scale [dynes/cm^2]
89 | lScale = 1.4959800E+014, ! length scale parameter [cm] (AU=1.49598e13, pc=3.08568025e18, R_sun=6.955e10
90 |
91 | !================================================================================
92 | ! MHD related section
93 | !================================================================================
94 | lMHD = .false. ! Magnetic Fields present? [.false.]
95 | lCheckDivergence = .false. ! Turn on divergence checking [.false.]
96 |
97 | !================================================================================
98 | ! Resistivity switches
99 | !================================================================================
100 | lResistive = .false. ! Turns on resistivity [.false.]
101 | ResType = 2 ! Resistivity type. 1-constant, 2-user defined distribution, 3-Spitzer. [1]
102 | resistivity = 1.2d-1 ! resistivity value [0d0]
103 |
104 | !================================================================================
105 | ! Explicit Conductivity switches
106 | !================================================================================
107 | lConductive = .false. ! Turns on mhd heat conduction [.false.]
108 | ConType = 1 ! Conduction type. 1-constant, 2-Spitzer. [1]
109 | conductivity = 8d-2 ! conductivity value [0d0]
110 | lThermalFluxLimiter = .false. ! Turns on saturation heat flux. (only works for ConType==2). [.false.]
111 | lIsoDiff = .false. ! Turns on isotropic heat conduction. Allows isotropicity to be in the range (0,1). [.false.]
112 |
113 | !================================================================================
114 | ! Implicit Thermal Diffusion switches
115 | !================================================================================
116 | iDiffusion = 0 ! [0]-No diffusion, [1]-Thermal diffusion
117 | kappa1 = 1d0 ! Heat diffusion coefficient
118 | flb = 0d0 ! boundary flux
119 | ndiff = 2.5 ! Temperature power
120 | diffcfl = .01 ! Relative Temperature change allowed per subcycle
121 |
122 | !================================================================================
123 | ! Viscosity switches
124 | !================================================================================
125 | lViscous = .false. ! Turns on viscosity (2D only) [.false.]
126 | VisType = 1 ! viscosity type. 1-classic, 2-Braginskii [1]
127 | bviscosity = 0d0 ! viscosity value [0d0]
128 |
129 | !================================================================================
130 | ! Radiation Transfer switches
131 | !================================================================================
132 | iRadiation = 0 ! [0]-No radiation, 1-Diffusion and energy exchange only, 2-Radiation Advection terms included as well
133 | RadLimiter = 1 ! [0]-LP_FLUX_LIMITER, 1-Diffusion limit, 2-Free streaming limit
134 | PlanckOpacityType = 0 ! [0]-Constant Specific Opacity (k=A*d), [1]-Power Law Opacity (k=A*d^B*T^C)
135 | RoselandOpacityType = 0 ! [0]-Constant Specific Opacity (k=A*d), [1]-Power Law Opacity (k=A*d^B*T^C)
136 | PlanckSpecificOpacity = 1d0 ! Specific Planck Opacity [1d0] (A)
137 | RoselandSpecificOpacity = 1d0 ! Specific Roseland Opacity [1d0] (A)
138 | Roseland_dpow = 1d0 ! Density Power for Roseland Opacity [1d0] (B)
139 | Roseland_tpow = 0d0 ! Temperature Power for Roseland Opacity [0d0] (C)
140 | Planck_dpow = 1d0 ! Density Power for Planck Opacity [1d0] (B)
141 | Planck_tpow = 0d0 ! Temperature Power for Planck Opacity [0d0] (C)
142 | /