1 | !================================================================================
2 | ! AstroBEAR solver.data file.
3 | ! Input data describing solver options.
4 | ! Created for problem: Template
5 | !================================================================================
6 | &SolverData
7 | iScheme = 1 ! Sweep = [1]
8 | iSolver = 0 ! [0]-Default HLL Solver, 1-iExactRS, 2-HLLC, 3-HLL, 4-HLLC_ISO, 6-HLLD, 8-HLLD_ISO
9 | /
10 | &SweepData
11 | InterpOrder = 2 ! Interpolation order 1-Piecewise constant, 2-Piecewise linear, [3]-Piecewise Parabolic
12 | lChar_Limiters = .true. ! Limit using characteristic variables instead of primitive? [.true.]
13 | ViscCD = 0 ! [0] = NO_VISCOSITY, 1 = ROE_VISCOSITY, 2 = H_VISCOSITY
14 | iTracer = 0 ! [0] = NONLAGRANGIAN, 1 = LAGRANGIAN
15 | lCautious = .true. ! Protect quantities throughout hyperbolic step [.true.]
16 | lApplyDiffusion = .false. ! Apply additional diffusion at converging flows [.true.]
17 | DIFF_ALPHA = .1 ! Diffusion coefficient [.1]
18 | lApplyLOF = .false. ! Apply local oscillation filter (reduces carbuncles) [.false.]
19 | LOF_ALPHA = .075 ! Strength of local oscillation filter. [.075]
20 | lCTU = .true. ! Use corner transport upwind? [.true.]
21 | lLimiter = .true. ! Use additional slope limiters [.true.]
22 | lUsePPML = .true. ! Use PPML limiter to preserve 3rd order accuracy near maxima/minima for Piecewise Parabolic Method
23 | /