1 | %%
2 | %% This is file `natbib.sty',
3 | %% generated with the docstrip utility.
4 | %%
5 | %% The original source files were:
6 | %%
7 | %% natbib.dtx (with options: `package,all')
8 | %% =============================================
10 | %%
11 | %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
12 | %% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
13 | %% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
14 | %% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
15 | %%
16 | %% This is a generated file.
17 | %% It may not be distributed without the original source file natbib.dtx.
18 | %%
19 | %% Full documentation can be obtained by LaTeXing that original file.
20 | %% Only a few abbreviated comments remain here to describe the usage.
21 | %% =============================================
22 | %% Copyright 1993-2003 Patrick W Daly
23 | %% Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie
24 | %% Max-Planck-Str. 2
25 | %% D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
26 | %% Germany
27 | %% E-mail: daly@linmpi.mpg.de
28 | \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/06/01]
29 | \ProvidesPackage{natbib}
30 | [2003/06/06 7.1 (PWD)]
31 | % This package reimplements the LaTeX \cite command to be used for various
32 | % citation styles, both author-year and numerical. It accepts BibTeX
33 | % output intended for many other packages, and therefore acts as a
34 | % general, all-purpose citation-style interface.
35 | %
36 | % With standard numerical .bst files, only numerical citations are
37 | % possible. With an author-year .bst file, both numerical and
38 | % author-year citations are possible.
39 | %
40 | % If author-year citations are selected, \bibitem must have one of the
41 | % following forms:
42 | % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)]{key}...
43 | % \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)Jones, Baker, and Williams]{key}...
44 | % \bibitem[Jones et al., 1990]{key}...
45 | % \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Jones, Baker, and Williams}{Jones
46 | % et al.}{1990}]{key}...
47 | % \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Jones et al.}{1990}]{key}...
48 | % \bibitem[\protect\astroncite{Jones et al.}{1990}]{key}...
49 | % \bibitem[\protect\citename{Jones et al., }1990]{key}...
50 | % \harvarditem[Jones et al.]{Jones, Baker, and Williams}{1990}{key}...
51 | %
52 | % This is either to be made up manually, or to be generated by an
53 | % appropriate .bst file with BibTeX.
54 | % Author-year mode || Numerical mode
55 | % Then, \citet{key} ==>> Jones et al. (1990) || Jones et al. [21]
56 | % \citep{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990) || [21]
57 | % Multiple citations as normal:
58 | % \citep{key1,key2} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990; Smith, 1989) || [21,24]
59 | % or (Jones et al., 1990, 1991) || [21,24]
60 | % or (Jones et al., 1990a,b) || [21,24]
61 | % \cite{key} is the equivalent of \citet{key} in author-year mode
62 | % and of \citep{key} in numerical mode
63 | % Full author lists may be forced with \citet* or \citep*, e.g.
64 | % \citep*{key} ==>> (Jones, Baker, and Williams, 1990)
65 | % Optional notes as:
66 | % \citep[chap. 2]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2)
67 | % \citep[e.g.,][]{key} ==>> (e.g., Jones et al., 1990)
68 | % \citep[see][pg. 34]{key}==>> (see Jones et al., 1990, pg. 34)
69 | % (Note: in standard LaTeX, only one note is allowed, after the ref.
70 | % Here, one note is like the standard, two make pre- and post-notes.)
71 | % \citealt{key} ==>> Jones et al. 1990
72 | % \citealt*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Williams 1990
73 | % \citealp{key} ==>> Jones et al., 1990
74 | % \citealp*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Williams, 1990
75 | % Additional citation possibilities (both author-year and numerical modes)
76 | % \citeauthor{key} ==>> Jones et al.
77 | % \citeauthor*{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Williams
78 | % \citeyear{key} ==>> 1990
79 | % \citeyearpar{key} ==>> (1990)
80 | % \citetext{priv. comm.} ==>> (priv. comm.)
81 | % Note: full author lists depends on whether the bib style supports them;
82 | % if not, the abbreviated list is printed even when full requested.
83 | %
84 | % For names like della Robbia at the start of a sentence, use
85 | % \Citet{dRob98} ==>> Della Robbia (1998)
86 | % \Citep{dRob98} ==>> (Della Robbia, 1998)
87 | % \Citeauthor{dRob98} ==>> Della Robbia
88 | %
89 | %
90 | % Citation aliasing is achieved with
91 | % \defcitealias{key}{text}
92 | % \citetalias{key} ==>> text
93 | % \citepalias{key} ==>> (text)
94 | %
95 | % Defining the citation style of a given bib style:
96 | % Use \bibpunct (in the preamble only) with 6 mandatory arguments:
97 | % 1. opening bracket for citation
98 | % 2. closing bracket
99 | % 3. citation separator (for multiple citations in one \cite)
100 | % 4. the letter n for numerical styles, s for superscripts
101 | % else anything for author-year
102 | % 5. punctuation between authors and date
103 | % 6. punctuation between years (or numbers) when common authors missing
104 | % One optional argument is the character coming before post-notes. It
105 | % appears in square braces before all other arguments. May be left off.
106 | % Example (and default) \bibpunct[, ]{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}
107 | %
108 | % To make this automatic for a given bib style, named newbib, say, make
109 | % a local configuration file, natbib.cfg, with the definition
110 | % \newcommand{\bibstyle@newbib}{\bibpunct...}
111 | % Then the \bibliographystyle{newbib} will cause \bibstyle@newbib to
112 | % be called on THE NEXT LATEX RUN (via the aux file).
113 | %
114 | % Such preprogrammed definitions may be invoked in the text (preamble only)
115 | % by calling \citestyle{newbib}. This is only useful if the style specified
116 | % differs from that in \bibliographystyle.
117 | %
118 | % With \citeindextrue and \citeindexfalse, one can control whether the
119 | % \cite commands make an automatic entry of the citation in the .idx
120 | % indexing file. For this, \makeindex must also be given in the preamble.
121 | %
122 | % LaTeX2e Options: (for selecting punctuation)
123 | % round - round parentheses are used (default)
124 | % square - square brackets are used [option]
125 | % curly - curly braces are used {option}
126 | % angle - angle brackets are used <option>
127 | % colon - multiple citations separated by colon (default)
128 | % comma - separated by comma
129 | % authoryear - selects author-year citations (default)
130 | % numbers- selects numerical citations
131 | % super - numerical citations as superscripts
132 | % sort - sorts multiple citations according to order in ref. list
133 | % sort&compress - like sort, but also compresses numerical citations
134 | % longnamesfirst - makes first citation full author list
135 | % sectionbib - puts bibliography in a \section* instead of \chapter*
136 | % Punctuation so selected dominates over any predefined ones.
137 | % LaTeX2e options are called as, e.g.
138 | % \usepackage[square,comma]{natbib}
139 | % LaTeX the source file natbib.dtx to obtain more details
140 | % or the file natnotes.tex for a brief reference sheet.
141 | %-----------------------------------------------------------
142 | \@ifclassloaded{aguplus}{\PackageError{natbib}
143 | {The aguplus class already includes natbib coding,\MessageBreak
144 | so you should not add it explicitly}
145 | {Type <Return> for now, but then later remove\MessageBreak
146 | the command \protect\usepackage{natbib} from the document}
147 | \endinput}{}
148 | \@ifclassloaded{nlinproc}{\PackageError{natbib}
149 | {The nlinproc class already includes natbib coding,\MessageBreak
150 | so you should not add it explicitly}
151 | {Type <Return> for now, but then later remove\MessageBreak
152 | the command \protect\usepackage{natbib} from the document}
153 | \endinput}{}
154 | \@ifclassloaded{egs}{\PackageError{natbib}
155 | {The egs class already includes natbib coding,\MessageBreak
156 | so you should not add it explicitly}
157 | {Type <Return> for now, but then later remove\MessageBreak
158 | the command \protect\usepackage{natbib} from the document}
159 | \endinput}{}
160 | % Define citation punctuation for some author-year styles
161 | % One may add and delete at this point
162 | % Or put additions into local configuration file natbib.cfg
163 | \newcommand\bibstyle@chicago{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}}
164 | \newcommand\bibstyle@named{\bibpunct{[}{]}{;}{a}{,}{,}}
165 | \newcommand\bibstyle@agu{\bibpunct{[}{]}{;}{a}{,}{,~}}%Amer. Geophys. Union
166 | \newcommand\bibstyle@egs{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}}%Eur. Geophys. Soc.
167 | \newcommand\bibstyle@agsm{\bibpunct{(}{)}{,}{a}{}{,}\gdef\harvardand{\&}}
168 | \newcommand\bibstyle@kluwer{\bibpunct{(}{)}{,}{a}{}{,}\gdef\harvardand{\&}}
169 | \newcommand\bibstyle@dcu{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{;}{,}\gdef\harvardand{and}}
170 | \newcommand\bibstyle@aa{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{}{,}} %Astronomy & Astrophysics
171 | \newcommand\bibstyle@pass{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}}%Planet. & Space Sci
172 | \newcommand\bibstyle@anngeo{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}}%Annales Geophysicae
173 | \newcommand\bibstyle@nlinproc{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}}%Nonlin.Proc.Geophys.
174 | % Define citation punctuation for some numerical styles
175 | \newcommand\bibstyle@cospar{\bibpunct{/}{/}{,}{n}{}{}%
176 | \gdef\NAT@biblabelnum##1{##1.}}
177 | \newcommand\bibstyle@esa{\bibpunct{(Ref.~}{)}{,}{n}{}{}%
178 | \gdef\NAT@biblabelnum##1{##1.\hspace{1em}}}
179 | \newcommand\bibstyle@nature{\bibpunct{}{}{,}{s}{}{\textsuperscript{,}}%
180 | \gdef\NAT@biblabelnum##1{##1.}}
181 | % The standard LaTeX styles
182 | \newcommand\bibstyle@plain{\bibpunct{[}{]}{,}{n}{}{,}}
183 | \let\bibstyle@alpha=\bibstyle@plain
184 | \let\bibstyle@abbrv=\bibstyle@plain
185 | \let\bibstyle@unsrt=\bibstyle@plain
186 | % The author-year modifications of the standard styles
187 | \newcommand\bibstyle@plainnat{\bibpunct{[}{]}{,}{a}{,}{,}}
188 | \let\bibstyle@abbrvnat=\bibstyle@plainnat
189 | \let\bibstyle@unsrtnat=\bibstyle@plainnat
190 | \newif\ifNAT@numbers \NAT@numbersfalse
191 | \newif\ifNAT@super \NAT@superfalse
192 | \DeclareOption{numbers}{\NAT@numberstrue
193 | \ExecuteOptions{square,comma,nobibstyle}}
194 | \DeclareOption{super}{\NAT@supertrue\NAT@numberstrue
195 | \renewcommand\NAT@open{}\renewcommand\NAT@close{}
196 | \ExecuteOptions{nobibstyle}}
197 | \DeclareOption{authoryear}{\NAT@numbersfalse
198 | \ExecuteOptions{round,colon,bibstyle}}
199 | \DeclareOption{round}{%
200 | \renewcommand\NAT@open{(} \renewcommand\NAT@close{)}
201 | \ExecuteOptions{nobibstyle}}
202 | \DeclareOption{square}{%
203 | \renewcommand\NAT@open{[} \renewcommand\NAT@close{]}
204 | \ExecuteOptions{nobibstyle}}
205 | \DeclareOption{angle}{%
206 | \renewcommand\NAT@open{$<$} \renewcommand\NAT@close{$>$}
207 | \ExecuteOptions{nobibstyle}}
208 | \DeclareOption{curly}{%
209 | \renewcommand\NAT@open{\{} \renewcommand\NAT@close{\}}
210 | \ExecuteOptions{nobibstyle}}
211 | \DeclareOption{comma}{\renewcommand\NAT@sep{,}
212 | \ExecuteOptions{nobibstyle}}
213 | \DeclareOption{colon}{\renewcommand\NAT@sep{;}
214 | \ExecuteOptions{nobibstyle}}
215 | \DeclareOption{nobibstyle}{\let\bibstyle=\@gobble}
216 | \DeclareOption{bibstyle}{\let\bibstyle=\@citestyle}
217 | \newif\ifNAT@openbib \NAT@openbibfalse
218 | \DeclareOption{openbib}{\NAT@openbibtrue}
219 | \DeclareOption{sectionbib}{\def\NAT@sectionbib{on}}
220 | \def\NAT@sort{0}
221 | \DeclareOption{sort}{\def\NAT@sort{1}}
222 | \DeclareOption{sort&compress}{\def\NAT@sort{2}}
223 | \@ifpackageloaded{cite}{\PackageWarningNoLine{natbib}
224 | {The `cite' package should not be used\MessageBreak
225 | with natbib. Use option `sort' instead}\ExecuteOptions{sort}}{}
226 | \newif\ifNAT@longnames\NAT@longnamesfalse
227 | \DeclareOption{longnamesfirst}{\NAT@longnamestrue}
228 | \DeclareOption{nonamebreak}{\def\NAT@nmfmt#1{\mbox{\NAT@up#1}}}
229 | \def\NAT@nmfmt#1{{\NAT@up#1}}
230 | \renewcommand\bibstyle[1]{\@ifundefined{bibstyle@#1}{\relax}
231 | {\csname bibstyle@#1\endcsname}}
232 | \AtBeginDocument{\global\let\bibstyle=\@gobble}
233 | \let\@citestyle\bibstyle
234 | \newcommand\citestyle[1]{\@citestyle{#1}\let\bibstyle\@gobble}
235 | \@onlypreamble{\citestyle}\@onlypreamble{\@citestyle}
236 | \newcommand\bibpunct[7][, ]%
237 | {\gdef\NAT@open{#2}\gdef\NAT@close{#3}\gdef
238 | \NAT@sep{#4}\global\NAT@numbersfalse\ifx #5n\global\NAT@numberstrue
239 | \else
240 | \ifx #5s\global\NAT@numberstrue\global\NAT@supertrue
241 | \fi\fi
242 | \gdef\NAT@aysep{#6}\gdef\NAT@yrsep{#7}%
243 | \gdef\NAT@cmt{#1}%
244 | \global\let\bibstyle\@gobble
245 | }
246 | \@onlypreamble{\bibpunct}
247 | \newcommand\NAT@open{(} \newcommand\NAT@close{)}
248 | \newcommand\NAT@sep{;}
249 | \ProcessOptions
250 | \newcommand\NAT@aysep{,} \newcommand\NAT@yrsep{,}
251 | \newcommand\NAT@cmt{, }
252 | \newcommand\NAT@cite%
253 | [3]{\ifNAT@swa\NAT@@open\if*#2*\else#2\ \fi
254 | #1\if*#3*\else\NAT@cmt#3\fi\NAT@@close\else#1\fi\endgroup}
255 | \newcommand\NAT@citenum%
256 | [3]{\ifNAT@swa\NAT@@open\if*#2*\else#2\ \fi
257 | #1\if*#3*\else\NAT@cmt#3\fi\NAT@@close\else#1\fi\endgroup}
258 | \newcommand\NAT@citesuper[3]{\ifNAT@swa
259 | \unskip\kern\p@\textsuperscript{#1}%
260 | \if*#3*\else\ (#3)\fi\else #1\fi\endgroup}
261 | \providecommand
262 | \textsuperscript[1]{\mbox{$^{\mbox{\scriptsize#1}}$}}
263 | \providecommand\@firstofone[1]{#1}
264 | \newcommand\NAT@citexnum{}
265 | \def\NAT@citexnum[#1][#2]#3{%
266 | \NAT@sort@cites{#3}%
267 | \let\@citea\@empty
268 | \@cite{\def\NAT@num{-1}\let\NAT@last@yr\relax\let\NAT@nm\@empty
269 | \@for\@citeb:=\NAT@cite@list\do
270 | {\edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
271 | \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi
272 | \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{%
273 | {\reset@font\bfseries?}
274 | \NAT@citeundefined\PackageWarning{natbib}%
275 | {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
276 | {\let\NAT@last@num\NAT@num\let\NAT@last@nm\NAT@nm
277 | \NAT@parse{\@citeb}%
278 | \ifNAT@longnames\@ifundefined{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{%
279 | \let\NAT@name=\NAT@all@names
280 | \global\@namedef{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{}}{}%
281 | \fi
282 | \ifNAT@full\let\NAT@nm\NAT@all@names\else
283 | \let\NAT@nm\NAT@name\fi
284 | \ifNAT@swa
285 | \ifnum\NAT@ctype>1\relax\@citea
286 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
287 | \ifnum\NAT@ctype=2\relax\NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}%
288 | \else\NAT@alias
289 | \fi\hyper@natlinkend\else
290 | \ifnum\NAT@sort>1
291 | \begingroup\catcode`\_=8
292 | \ifcat _\ifnum\z@<0\NAT@num _\else A\fi
293 | \global\let\NAT@nm=\NAT@num \else \gdef\NAT@nm{-2}\fi
294 | \ifcat _\ifnum\z@<0\NAT@last@num _\else A\fi
295 | \global\@tempcnta=\NAT@last@num \global\advance\@tempcnta by\@ne
296 | \else \global\@tempcnta\m@ne\fi
297 | \endgroup
298 | \ifnum\NAT@nm=\@tempcnta
299 | \ifx\NAT@last@yr\relax
300 | \edef\NAT@last@yr{\@citea \mbox{\noexpand\citenumfont{\NAT@num}}}%
301 | \else
302 | \edef\NAT@last@yr{--\penalty\@m\mbox{\noexpand\citenumfont{\NAT@num}}}%
303 | \fi
304 | \else
305 | \NAT@last@yr \@citea \mbox{\citenumfont{\NAT@num}}%
306 | \let\NAT@last@yr\relax
307 | \fi
308 | \else
309 | \@citea \mbox{\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
310 | {\citenumfont{\NAT@num}}\hyper@natlinkend}%
311 | \fi
312 | \fi
313 | \def\@citea{\NAT@sep\penalty\@m\NAT@space}%
314 | \else
315 | \ifcase\NAT@ctype\relax
316 | \ifx\NAT@last@nm\NAT@nm \NAT@yrsep\penalty\@m\NAT@space\else
317 | \@citea \NAT@test{1}\ \NAT@@open
318 | \if*#1*\else#1\ \fi\fi \NAT@mbox{%
319 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
320 | {\citenumfont{\NAT@num}}\hyper@natlinkend}%
321 | \def\@citea{\NAT@@close\NAT@sep\penalty\@m\ }%
322 | \or\@citea
323 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
324 | \NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}\hyper@natlinkend
325 | \def\@citea{\NAT@sep\penalty\@m\ }%
326 | \or\@citea
327 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
328 | \NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}\hyper@natlinkend
329 | \def\@citea{\NAT@sep\penalty\@m\ }%
330 | \or\@citea
331 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
332 | \NAT@alias\hyper@natlinkend
333 | \def\@citea{\NAT@sep\penalty\@m\ }%
334 | \fi
335 | \fi
336 | }}%
337 | \ifnum\NAT@sort>1\relax\NAT@last@yr\fi
338 | \ifNAT@swa\else\ifnum\NAT@ctype=0\if*#2*\else
339 | \NAT@cmt#2\fi \NAT@@close\fi\fi}{#1}{#2}}
340 | \newcommand\NAT@test[1]{\ifnum#1=1 \ifx\NAT@nm\NAT@noname
341 | {\reset@font\bfseries(author?)}\PackageWarning{natbib}
342 | {Author undefined for citation`\@citeb'
343 | \MessageBreak
344 | on page \thepage}\else \NAT@nm \fi
345 | \else \if\relax\NAT@date\relax
346 | {\reset@font\bfseries(year?)}\PackageWarning{natbib}
347 | {Year undefined for citation`\@citeb'
348 | \MessageBreak
349 | on page \thepage}\else \NAT@date \fi \fi}
350 | \let\citenumfont=\relax
351 | \newcommand\NAT@citex{}
352 | \def\NAT@citex%
353 | [#1][#2]#3{%
354 | \NAT@sort@cites{#3}%
355 | \let\@citea\@empty
356 | \@cite{\let\NAT@nm\@empty\let\NAT@year\@empty
357 | \@for\@citeb:=\NAT@cite@list\do
358 | {\edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
359 | \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi
360 | \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{\@citea%
361 | {\reset@font\bfseries ?}\NAT@citeundefined
362 | \PackageWarning{natbib}%
363 | {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}\def\NAT@date{}}%
364 | {\let\NAT@last@nm=\NAT@nm\let\NAT@last@yr=\NAT@year
365 | \NAT@parse{\@citeb}%
366 | \ifNAT@longnames\@ifundefined{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{%
367 | \let\NAT@name=\NAT@all@names
368 | \global\@namedef{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{}}{}%
369 | \fi
370 | \ifNAT@full\let\NAT@nm\NAT@all@names\else
371 | \let\NAT@nm\NAT@name\fi
372 | \ifNAT@swa\ifcase\NAT@ctype
373 | \if\relax\NAT@date\relax
374 | \@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
375 | \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}\NAT@date\hyper@natlinkend
376 | \else
377 | \ifx\NAT@last@nm\NAT@nm\NAT@yrsep
378 | \ifx\NAT@last@yr\NAT@year
379 | \def\NAT@temp{{?}}%
380 | \ifx\NAT@temp\NAT@exlab\PackageWarningNoLine{natbib}%
381 | {Multiple citation on page \thepage: same authors and
382 | year\MessageBreak without distinguishing extra
383 | letter,\MessageBreak appears as question mark}\fi
384 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}\NAT@exlab
385 | \hyper@natlinkend
386 | \else\unskip\
387 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}\NAT@date
388 | \hyper@natlinkend
389 | \fi
390 | \else\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
391 | \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}%
392 | \hyper@natlinkbreak{\NAT@aysep\ }{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
393 | \NAT@date\hyper@natlinkend
394 | \fi
395 | \fi
396 | \or\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
397 | \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}\hyper@natlinkend
398 | \or\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
399 | \NAT@date\hyper@natlinkend
400 | \or\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
401 | \NAT@alias\hyper@natlinkend
402 | \fi \def\@citea{\NAT@sep\ }%
403 | \else\ifcase\NAT@ctype
404 | \if\relax\NAT@date\relax
405 | \@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
406 | \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}\hyper@natlinkend
407 | \else
408 | \ifx\NAT@last@nm\NAT@nm\NAT@yrsep
409 | \ifx\NAT@last@yr\NAT@year
410 | \def\NAT@temp{{?}}%
411 | \ifx\NAT@temp\NAT@exlab\PackageWarningNoLine{natbib}%
412 | {Multiple citation on page \thepage: same authors and
413 | year\MessageBreak without distinguishing extra
414 | letter,\MessageBreak appears as question mark}\fi
415 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}\NAT@exlab
416 | \hyper@natlinkend
417 | \else\unskip\
418 | \hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}\NAT@date
419 | \hyper@natlinkend
420 | \fi
421 | \else\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
422 | \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}%
423 | \hyper@natlinkbreak{\ \NAT@@open\if*#1*\else#1\ \fi}%
424 | {\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
425 | \NAT@date\hyper@natlinkend\fi
426 | \fi
427 | \or\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
428 | \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}\hyper@natlinkend
429 | \or\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
430 | \NAT@date\hyper@natlinkend
431 | \or\@citea\hyper@natlinkstart{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}%
432 | \NAT@alias\hyper@natlinkend
433 | \fi \if\relax\NAT@date\relax\def\@citea{\NAT@sep\ }%
434 | \else\def\@citea{\NAT@@close\NAT@sep\ }\fi
435 | \fi
436 | }}\ifNAT@swa\else\if*#2*\else\NAT@cmt#2\fi
437 | \if\relax\NAT@date\relax\else\NAT@@close\fi\fi}{#1}{#2}}
438 | \newif\ifNAT@par \NAT@partrue
439 | \newcommand\NAT@@open{\ifNAT@par\NAT@open\fi}
440 | \newcommand\NAT@@close{\ifNAT@par\NAT@close\fi}
441 | \newcommand\NAT@alias{\@ifundefined{al@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{%
442 | {\reset@font\bfseries(alias?)}\PackageWarning{natbib}
443 | {Alias undefined for citation `\@citeb'
444 | \MessageBreak on page \thepage}}{\@nameuse{al@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}}}
445 | \let\NAT@up\relax
446 | \newcommand\NAT@Up[1]{{\let\protect\@unexpandable@protect\let~\relax
447 | \expandafter\NAT@deftemp#1}\expandafter\NAT@UP\NAT@temp}
448 | \newcommand\NAT@deftemp[1]{\xdef\NAT@temp{#1}}
449 | \newcommand\NAT@UP[1]{\let\@tempa\NAT@UP\ifcat a#1\MakeUppercase{#1}%
450 | \let\@tempa\relax\else#1\fi\@tempa}
451 | \newcommand\shortcites[1]{%
452 | \@bsphack\@for\@citeb:=#1\do
453 | {\edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
454 | \global\@namedef{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{}}\@esphack}
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809 | %%
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811 | %%
812 | %% End of file `natbib.sty'.