1 | &ProblemData
2 | TotalWidth = 20.0 ! Width of region used to calculate totals across interface (pc)
3 | FlowDiameter = 25.0, 20.0 ! Diameter of colliding flows (pc)
4 | ShearAngle = 0.0 !55.0 ! Angle of shear in degrees (0 is head on)
5 | density = 1.0 ! parts per cc
6 | temperature = 0.0 ! Temperature - if set to zero than equilibrium temperature is used
7 | mach = 1.5 ! Mach number of flow
8 | velocity = 135.986006587d0 ! Velocity km/s - ignored if mach /= 0
9 | beta = 1.0 ! Magnetic field beta
10 | A = .015 ! Amplitude of interface perturbations (scaled to largest flow diameter)
11 | alpha = -1.0 ! Spectral index
12 | kmax = 16 ! Max wave number
13 | myseed=14234 14251 4 352 4230 ! Some random numbers for interface perturbations
14 | CellsPerJeansLength = 64 ! How well to resolve Jeans length when refining
15 | nParticleCells = 16 ! number of finest level cells to resolve around particles (radius)
16 | nbins = 400 ! Number of bins to use for histograms and pdfs
17 | interface_dist = .005 ! Distance either side of the interface to initially smooth the velocity (scaled to largest flow diameter)
18 | interface_func = 1 ! Smoothing function to use: NONE = 0, TANH = 1, DBL_TANH = 2
19 | smooth_distance = .1 ! Smoothing distance in pc for outer edges of flow - (scaled to largest flow diameter)
20 | smooth_function = 2 ! Smoothing function to use at outer edges: NONE = 0, TANH = 1, DBL_TANH = 2
21 | TShutOff = 30.0 ! Time to begin shutoff of inflows (Myr)
22 | RampTime = 1.0 ! Time to ramp down inflows (Myr)
23 | IICoolPar = 2d-26,1d7,1.184d5,1d3,1.4d-2,2.275d1,-4d0 ! Modified IICool curve (10K at 1000/cc)
24 | MustRefineWidth = 2 ! width of region to force refinement around interface
25 | MustRefineDepth = 3 ! depth to force refinement around interface
26 | CanRefineWidth = 10 ! width of region to allow refinement around interface
27 | CanRefineDepth = 3 ! depth to allow gradient based refinement around interface
28 | /