1 | !#########################################################################
2 | !
3 | ! Copyright (C) 2003-2012 Department of Physics and Astronomy,
4 | ! University of Rochester,
5 | ! Rochester, NY
6 | !
7 | ! problem.f90 of module MolecularCloudFormation is part of AstroBEAR.
8 | !
9 | ! AstroBEAR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 | ! (at your option) any later version.
13 | !
14 | ! AstroBEAR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | ! GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | !
19 | ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | ! along with AstroBEAR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | !
22 | !#########################################################################
23 | !> @dir MolecularCloudFormation
24 | !! @brief Contains files necessary for the Molecular Cloud Formation problem
25 |
26 | !> @file problem.f90
27 | !! @brief Main file for module Problem
28 |
29 | !> @defgroup MolecularCloudFormation Molecular Cloud Formation Module
30 | !! @brief Module for setting up orbiting particles
31 | !! @ingroup Modules
32 |
33 | !> Molecular Cloud Formation Module
34 | !! @ingroup MolecularCloudFormation
35 | MODULE Problem
36 | USE DataDeclarations
37 | USE ParticleDeclarations
38 | USE ProcessingDeclarations
39 | USE CollidingFlows
40 | USE Winds
41 | USE Ambients
42 | USE Histograms
43 | USE Fields
44 | USE Totals
45 | USE PDFs
46 | USE Projections
47 | USE Clumps
48 | USE Shapes
49 | USE Refinements
50 | USE IICooling
52 | SAVE
53 |
54 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(0:MaxDepth) :: cells_per_cooling_length=0
55 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(0:MaxDepth) :: InterfaceWidth=0
56 | TYPE(CollidingFlowDef), POINTER :: CollidingFlow
57 | TYPE(ShapeDef), POINTER :: DerefineShape=>Null()
58 | PUBLIC ProblemModuleInit, ProblemGridInit, &
59 | ProblemBeforeStep, ProblemAfterStep, ProblemSetErrFlag, ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
60 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: IIScaleCool, InterfaceTime, IIScaleHeat, derefine_radius=1e20
61 | INTEGER :: derefine_dist=0
62 | TYPE(AmbientDef), POINTER :: Ambient
63 | LOGICAL :: DeRefineOutSide=.false.
64 | LOGICAL :: lClumps=.false.
65 | LOGICAL :: lPlaceClumps=.true.
66 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: ClumpJeansFact = .5d0 !Make them 'X=.5' jeans lengths in diameter.
67 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: MeanDensitywClumps=3d0
68 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: ClumpChi=10
69 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: separation_param=.3d0
70 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: TShutOff=1d30
71 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: RampTime=1d0
72 |
74 |
75 | !> Initializes module variables
76 | SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit()
77 | INTEGER :: nRegions, nWaves
78 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: density, temperature, smooth_distance, velocity, position(3), size_param(3), psi, theta, phi, wavevector(2), amplitude, phase, vel(3), a, alpha, dk, kmag, beta, mach, interface_dist, clumprho, clumptemp, clumpff, clumpradius, clumpnumbervolume, region(3,2), min_separation, ram_dens, ram_press, ram_temp, phi2
79 | REAL(KIND=qPREC), DIMENSION(:,:), POINTER :: positions
80 | INTEGER :: i, j, type, subsample=1, smooth_function, edge, kx, ky, interface_func
81 | TYPE(WindDef), POINTER :: Wind
82 | TYPE(HistogramDef), POINTER :: HISTOGRAM
84 | TYPE(ProjectionDef), POINTER :: Projection
85 | INTEGER :: nWinds, nbins=100, clumprefinelevel
86 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(10) :: myseed
87 | INTEGER :: kmax,nclumps,nParticleCells=0
88 | TYPE(ClumpDef), POINTER :: Clump
89 | TYPE(ShapeDef), POINTER :: LeftClumpRegion, RightClumpRegion, TotalShape
90 | LOGICAL :: lPersist=.true.
91 | REAL(KIND=qpREC) :: TotalWidth, FlowDiameter(2), ShearAngle, MaxDiameter
92 | TYPE(RefinementDef), POINTER :: Refinement
93 | INTEGER :: MustRefineDepth=MAXDEPTH
94 | INTEGER :: CanRefineDepth=MAXDEPTH
95 | REAL(KIND=qPREC) :: MustRefineWidth=0d0, CanRefineWidth=1d30
96 | NAMELIST /ProblemData/ density, velocity, mach, temperature, smooth_distance, smooth_function, subsample, &
97 | myseed, A, alpha, kmax, beta, &
98 | interface_func, interface_dist, nbins, lClumps, ClumpJeansFact, MeanDensitywClumps, &
99 | ClumpChi, separation_param, nParticleCells,CellsPerJeansLength, clumprefinelevel, IICoolPar, TShutOff, RampTime, lPlaceClumps, &
100 | TotalWidth, FlowDiameter, ShearAngle, MustRefineWidth, MustRefineDepth, CanRefineWidth, CanRefineDepth
101 |
105 |
106 | write(*,*) 'Shear angle=', ShearAngle
107 | ! Rescale various physical parameters to computational units
108 | FlowDiameter=FlowDiameter*pc/lScale
109 | density=density/nScale
110 | temperature=temperature/TempScale
111 | velocity=velocity*1e5/VelScale
112 | TotalWidth=TotalWidth*pc/lScale
113 | RampTime=RampTime*1e6*yr/TimeScale
114 | TShutOff=TShutOff*1e6*yr/TimeScale
115 | InterfaceTime=InterfaceTime*1e6*yr/TimeScale
116 |
117 | IF (nParticleCells > 0) DefaultParticleRadius=nParticleCells
118 |
119 |
120 | IF (temperature == 0d0) THEN
121 | temperature=GetIICoolEqTemp(density*nScale)/TempScale
122 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) 'Background Density = ', density*nScale, ' particles/cc'
123 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) 'Equilibrium temp = ', temperature*TempScale, ' K'
124 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) 'sound speed = ', sqrt(gamma*temperature), sqrt(gamma*temperature)*velscale/1e5, 'km/s'
125 | END IF
126 | IF (mach /= 0d0) velocity=mach*sqrt(gamma*temperature)
127 |
128 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) 'Background Jeans Length =', JeansLengthFromRhoTemp(density, temperature*TempScale)*lScale/pc, ' pc'
129 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) 'Background free fall time =', sqrt(3d0*pi/32d0/ScaleGrav/density)*TimeScale/yr/1e6, 'myr'
130 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,*) 'flow velocity = ', velocity*velscale/1e5, 'km/s'
131 |
132 | CALL CreateAmbient(Ambient)
133 | Ambient%density=density
134 | Ambient%pressure=density*temperature
135 | IF (beta /= 0d0) THEN
136 | Ambient%B=sqrt(2d0*temperature*density/beta)*(/1d0,0d0,0d0/)
137 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) write(*,'(A,3E25.15)') 'Ambient%B=',Ambient%B
138 | END IF
139 |
140 | DO i=1,nDim
141 | DO edge=1,2
142 | IF (Gmthbc(i,edge) == 1) THEN
143 | CALL CreateWind(Wind)
144 | Wind%dir=i
145 | Wind%edge=edge
146 | Wind%type=OUTFLOW_ONLY
147 | Wind%density=Ambient%density
148 | Wind%temperature=Ambient%Pressure/Ambient%Density
149 | Wind%B=Ambient%B
150 | END IF
151 | END DO
152 | END DO
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 | CALL CreateCollidingFlow(CollidingFlow)
157 |
158 | MaxDiameter=maxval(FlowDiameter)
159 | CollidingFlow%SubSample = subsample
160 | CollidingFlow%density = density
161 | CollidingFlow%velocity = velocity
162 | CollidingFlow%Temperature = Temperature
163 | CollidingFlow%PersistInBoundaries = lPersist
164 | CollidingFlow%smooth_function = smooth_function
165 | CollidingFlow%smooth_distance = smooth_distance*MaxDiameter
166 | CollidingFlow%interface_func = interface_func
167 | CollidingFlow%interface_dist = interface_dist*MaxDiameter
168 | CollidingFlow%tShutOff = TShutOff
169 | CollidingFlow%RampTime = RampTime
170 | CALL AddTracer(CollidingFlow%iTracer(1),'FlowTracer1')
171 | CALL AddTracer(CollidingFlow%iTracer(2),'FlowTracer2')
172 |
173 | CALL SetShapeType(CollidingFlow%Shape, ELLIPTICAL_PRISM, half*(/FlowDiameter(:),2d0*(GxBounds(1,2)-GxBounds(1,1))/))
174 | CALL SetShapeOrientation(CollidingFlow%Shape, 0d0, Pi/2d0, 0d0)
175 | CollidingFlow%Shape%Position=half*SUM(GxBounds(:,:), 2)
176 | CALL SetShapeBounds(CollidingFlow%Shape)
177 |
178 | IF (derefine_radius > 0d0) THEN
179 | CALL CreateShape(DerefineShape)
180 | CALL SetShapeType(DerefineShape, ELLIPTICAL_PRISM, (/derefine_radius*half*FlowDiameter(:), 2d0*(GxBounds(1,2)-GxBounds(1,1))/))
181 | CALL SetShapeOrientation(DerefineShape, 0d0, Pi/2d0, 0d0)
182 | DerefineShape%position=half*SUM(GxBounds(:,:),2)
183 | CALL SetShapeBounds(DerefineShape)
184 | END IF
185 | IF (MPI_ID == 0) THEN
186 | write(*,*) 'mass flux = ', 2d0*velocity*velScale * (SUM(FlowDiameter(1:nDim-1)**2))*Pi/4d0*density*rScale*lScale**2/(mSolar/(1e6*yr)), 'm_sun/Myr'
187 | ram_press=velocity**2*TempScale*density*nScale
188 | write(*,*) 'ram pressure = ', ram_press, 'particles K/cc'
189 | ram_dens=GetIICoolEqDensity(ram_press)
190 | write(*,*) 'ram density = ', ram_dens, 'particles per cc'
191 | ram_temp=ram_press/ram_dens
192 | write(*,*) 'ram temp = ', ram_temp, 'K'
193 | write(*,*) 'ram density jeans length =', JeansLengthFromRhoTemp(ram_dens/nScale, ram_temp)*lScale/pc, ' pc'
194 | END IF
195 | ! Then set up interface
196 | CollidingFlow%InterfaceObj%Position=CollidingFlow%Shape%Position
197 |
198 | IF (nDim == 2) THEN
199 | CALL SetInterfaceOrientation(CollidingFlow%InterfaceObj, Pi/2d0,ShearAngle/180d0*Pi)
200 | ELSE
201 | CALL SetInterfaceOrientation(CollidingFlow%InterfaceObj, Pi/2d0-ShearAngle/180d0*Pi,0d0)
202 | END IF
203 | CALL RANDOM_SEED(size=j)
204 | CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=myseed(1:j))
205 | nWaves=0
206 | DO kx=1, kMax
207 | DO ky=1, kMax
208 | kmag=sqrt(real(kx**2+ky**2))
209 | if (kmag < kMax) THEN
210 | nwaves=nwaves+1
211 | END if
212 | END DO
213 | END DO
214 | dk=2d0*Pi/MaxDiameter
215 | CALL InitInterfaceWaves(CollidingFlow%InterfaceObj, nWaves)
216 | DO kx=1, kMax
217 | DO ky=1, kMax
218 | kmag=sqrt(real(kx**2+ky**2))
219 | if (kmag < kMax) THEN
221 | phase=phase*2d0*Pi
222 | wavevector=(/kx*dk,ky*dk/)
223 | amplitude=A*kmag**alpha*MaxDiameter
224 | CALL AddInterfaceWave(CollidingFlow%InterfaceObj, wavevector, phase, amplitude)
225 | ! write(*,*) wavevector, amplitude, phase
226 | END if
227 | END DO
228 | END DO
229 |
230 | CALL ClearAllRefinements()
231 |
232 |
233 | !First create refinement object to refine around interface
234 | CALL CreateRefinement(Refinement)
235 | CALL CreateShape(Refinement%Shape)
236 | CALL SetShapeType(Refinement%Shape, ELLIPTICAL_PRISM, half*(/FlowDiameter(1)/cos(ShearAngle/180d0*Pi), FlowDiameter(2), MustRefineWidth/))
237 | IF (nDim == 2) THEN
238 | CALL SetShapeOrientation(Refinement%Shape, 0d0, Pi/2d0, ShearAngle/180d0*Pi)
239 | ELSE
240 | CALL SetShapeOrientation(Refinement%Shape, 0d0, Pi/2d0-ShearAngle/180d0*Pi, 0d0)
241 | END IF
242 | Refinement%Shape%Position=CollidingFlow%Shape%Position
243 | CALL UpdateShape(Refinement%Shape)
244 | Refinement%type=REFINE_INSIDE
245 | ! Refinement%field=Mass_Field
246 | ! Refinement%tolerance=1
247 | ! Refinement%scale=LOGSCALE
248 | Refinement%BufferCells=1
249 | Refinement%MaxLevel=MustRefineDepth
250 |
251 | CALL CreateRefinement(Refinement)
252 | CALL CreateShape(Refinement%Shape)
253 | CALL SetShapeType(Refinement%Shape, ELLIPTICAL_PRISM, half*(/FlowDiameter(1)/cos(ShearAngle/180d0*Pi), FlowDiameter(2), CanRefineWidth/))
254 | IF (nDim == 2) THEN
255 | CALL SetShapeOrientation(Refinement%Shape, 0d0, Pi/2d0, ShearAngle/180d0*Pi)
256 | ELSE
257 | CALL SetShapeOrientation(Refinement%Shape, 0d0, Pi/2d0-ShearAngle/180d0*Pi, 0d0)
258 | END IF
259 | Refinement%Shape%Position=CollidingFlow%Shape%Position
260 | CALL SetShapeBounds(Refinement%Shape)
261 | Refinement%field=Mass_Field
262 | Refinement%tolerance=1
263 | Refinement%scale=LOGSCALE
264 | Refinement%BufferCells=2
265 | Refinement%MaxLevel=CanRefineDepth
266 |
267 |
268 | CALL AddRefinementThreshold(JeansLength_Field, LESSTHAN, (/(CellsPerJeansLength*levels(i)%dx,i=0,MaxLevel)/))
269 |
270 |
271 | ! CALL AddDiagnosticVar(ErrFlag_Field)
272 |
273 |
274 | ! Uncomment this to turn off processing stuff
275 | RETURN
276 |
277 | CALL CreateShape(TotalShape)
278 | CALL SetShapeType(TotalShape, ELLIPTICAL_PRISM, half*(/FlowDiameter(:),TotalWidth/))
279 | CALL SetShapeOrientation(TotalShape, 0d0, Pi/2-ShearAngle/180d0*Pi,0d0)
280 | TotalShape%position(:) = CollidingFlow%Shape%position
281 | CALL SetShapeBounds(TotalShape)
282 |
283 | CALL AddAllTotals(GASCOMP, TotalShape)
284 | CALL AddAllTotals(PARTICLECOMP,TotalShape)
285 | CALL AddAllTotals(BOTHCOMP,TotalShape)
286 |
287 | CALL CreatePDF(PDF)
288 | PDF%Field(1)%iD=Mass_Field
289 | PDF%Field(1)%name='density'
290 | PDF%Field(1)%component=GASCOMP
291 | PDF%Field(2)%iD=VMag_Field
292 | PDF%Field(2)%name='velocity'
293 | PDF%Field(2)%component=GASCOMP
294 | PDF%minvalue=(/.01,.001/)
295 | PDF%maxvalue=(/1e7,1e4/)
296 | PDF%nbins=(/400,400/)
298 | PDF%WeightField=BINBYVOLUME
299 | PDF%Shape=>TotalShape
300 |
301 |
302 | CALL CreateHistogram(Histogram)
303 | Histogram%Field%iD=1
304 | Histogram%Field%name='density'
305 | Histogram%Field%component=GASCOMP
306 | Histogram%minvalue=.1d0
307 | Histogram%maxvalue=1d8
308 | Histogram%nbins=nbins
309 | Histogram%scale=LOGSCALE
310 | Histogram%shape=>TotalShape
311 |
312 |
313 | CALL CreateHistogram(Histogram)
314 | Histogram%Field%iD=MixingRatio12_Field
315 | Histogram%Field%name='Mixing_Ratio'
316 | Histogram%Field%component=GASCOMP
317 | Histogram%minvalue=0d0
318 | Histogram%maxvalue=1d0
319 | Histogram%nbins=nbins
320 | Histogram%scale=LINEARSCALE
321 | Histogram%WeightField=BINBYVOLUME
322 | Histogram%shape=>TotalShape
323 |
324 | CALL CreatePDF(PDF)
325 | PDF%Field(:)%iD=(/Mass_Field, P_Field/)
326 | PDF%Field(1)%name='density'
327 | PDF%Field(2)%name='pressure'
328 | PDF%Field(:)%component=GASCOMP
329 | PDF%minvalue=(/.01,100.0/)
330 | PDF%maxvalue=(/1e7,1e6/)
331 | PDF%nbins=(/400,400/)
333 | PDF%WeightField=BINBYMASS
334 | PDF%Shape=>TotalShape
335 |
336 |
337 | CALL CreateProjection(projection)
338 | Projection%Field(1)%iD=Mass_Field
339 | Projection%Field(1)%component=BOTHCOMP
340 | Projection%dim=1
341 | ! Projection%Shape=>TotalShape
342 |
343 | CALL CreateProjection(projection)
344 | Projection%Field(1)%iD=Mass_Field
345 | Projection%Field(1)%component=BOTHCOMP
346 | Projection%dim=2
347 |
348 | CALL CreateProjection(projection)
349 | Projection%Field(1)%iD=Mass_Field
350 | Projection%Field(1)%component=BOTHCOMP
351 | Projection%dim=3
352 |
353 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemModuleInit
354 |
355 |
356 | !> Applies initial conditions
357 | !! @param Info Info object
358 | SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit(Info)
359 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
360 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemGridInit
361 |
362 | !> Could be used to update grids pre-step
363 | !! @param Info Info Object
364 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep(Info)
365 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
366 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeStep
367 |
368 | !> Could be used to update grids pre-output
369 | !! @param Info Info Object
370 | SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep(Info)
371 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
372 |
373 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemAfterStep
374 |
375 |
376 | !> Could be used to set force refinement
377 | !! @param Info Info object
378 | SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag(Info)
379 | TYPE(InfoDef) :: Info
380 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemSetErrFlag
381 |
382 |
383 | SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep(n)
384 | INTEGER :: n
385 | END SUBROUTINE ProblemBeforeGlobalStep
386 |
387 |
388 | SUBROUTINE SetupTotals()
389 |
390 | END SUBROUTINE SetupTotals
391 |
392 | END MODULE Problem
393 |