Posts for the month of July 2012

Baowei's Meeting Update 07/31/12

Martin's update, 31 Jul '12


  • 15 AU run up to 2.5 orbits. Consisten results with the 10 and 20 AU sims, however, for some reason that I have yet to understand, the Disk mass and particle accretion profiles show more variations than the other two cases: Disk mass particle accretion

-AGN jet truncation. Sims showing quite a bit of protections which lead to jet asymmetries. Working on solving this.

Project Management with Mercurial Branches

On Tuesday, Jonathan, Eddie and I had a little discussion about the project management of our code—especially after we have our golden version. I played with some of the ideas with these Mercurial extensions: branches, tags, graphic log view and transplant. The following summarized some of my tries.

Introduction to Our new Mercurial tools

  1. hg branch: create a branch under the same repository and check with branch you are working with. Users can specify which branch he/she wants to pull the code from
  2. hg tag: attach a tag to a revision. will create a new revision. Seems cannot attach a tag to individual files.
  3. hg glog or hg view: view the whole developing tree/revision structure
  4. hg transplant: cherry-picking the code

Schemes of Project Management

According to Karl Fogel's book which can be found at Especially Chapter 7 - Packaging, Release and Daily Development; The Release Branches Section, I think two branches work better than one and taking a snapshot of the tree is not a good way to get a stable version. Two branches can balance well on checking in the developer's effort as soon as possible and lowering the risk of checking in controversial/unstable code.

  • Default branch/trunk: for development mainline, every developer can check in his/her code as long as it passes our NEW strong testing suite.
  • A Release Candidate Branch: only check in clean and ready code (including bug fixing) which means
    1. Pass our NEW strong testing suite
    2. No controversial opinions from other developers
    3. All developers agree on checking to that release.
  • Developers should update his/code developing branch frequently to the trunk — several times a day according to Karl Fogel.

We can have more branches like branches for release 1.0 and release 2.0. And with Mercurial-transplant, bug-fixing for 1.0 only can be cherry picked from the trunk to 1.0 branch only (Examples shown below).

My originally thinking was to create a branch under the same repository for each developer. The with hg glog or hg view, the developing tree of our whole group can be easily seen. But one thing, this tree could be very complicated. And people could easily get confused which branch he/she is working on (See the example for Scheme I).

The second thing I tried was to make two branches under the same repo. This was basically Jonathan's idea. Though the check-in procedures of the two branches were based on what I mentioned above, which was different from Jonathan's way. This scheme worked OK. The tree could be messed up a bit when I made mistake cherry-picking code. (revision 15 in the example for Scheme II)

The third scheme I tried was to have two branches in two repos: one for developing, one for release — could have more if we have more release candidates. This one we had much clear, separate and different though, tree structures for the two branches. cherry-picking was easier. I did make a mistake cherry-picking the code when I tried, but it didn't show in the developing tree (See the example for Scheme III).

Both the latter two are used in open source software project management according to Karl Fogel. And all three schemes can be realized with Mercurial.

Schemes Pros Cons
I 1. Branches under the same repository
2. Default branch/trunk for Development mainline
3. Individual Branches for each developer
4. Release branch for stable version
With single hg command, development structure/stage of our whole group can easily be seen.
So it's easy to check the each developer's development revision
so his/her branch won't lag behind too far
1.Too many branches to handle under the repository so very easy to update the wrong branch
2. Developers could easily pull the whole repo instead of his own branch.
II 1. Branches under the same repository
2. Default branch/trunk for Development mainline
3. Release branch for stable version
1. Fairly simple revision structures.
2. Clear view of the developing line and stable version
Wrong Cherry picking to the release branch could mess up a bit the whole repo revision structure
III Release Branch and Default branch are under different repo Very clean revision structure for the trunk and especially for the release branch No view of the whole revision structure

  • Scheme 1
o    changeset:   14:7e05196f1647
|\   tag:         tip
| |  parent:      12:d07c7f335631
| |  parent:      13:567d336f6d7a
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 13:23:44 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Shule merge his branch to trunk
| |
| o  changeset:   13:567d336f6d7a
| |  branch:      shule
| |  parent:      11:5935bfa52647
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 13:22:27 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     shule added feature 2
| |
o |  changeset:   12:d07c7f335631
|\|  parent:      7:75d40ef53d13
| |  parent:      11:5935bfa52647
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 13:19:05 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Shule merged his branch with trunk/developing branch
| |
| o  changeset:   11:5935bfa52647
| |  branch:      shule
| |  parent:      8:ec480f53ab7f
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 13:16:57 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     created module 2 by shule
| |
| | o  changeset:   10:c160040af250
| | |  branch:      1.0.x
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 13:14:18 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Added tag RELEASE_1_0_X for changeset f37e3dfa00ff
| | |
+---o  changeset:   9:f37e3dfa00ff
| |    branch:      1.0.x
| |    tag:         RELEASE_1_0_X
| |    parent:      7:75d40ef53d13
| |    user:        bliu <>
| |    date:        Thu Jul 26 12:06:15 2012 -0400
| |    summary:     Created branch for release 1.0
| |
| o  changeset:   8:ec480f53ab7f
|/|  branch:      shule
| |  parent:      3:ffed79d15d20
| |  parent:      7:75d40ef53d13
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 12:00:14 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Shule merged with the developing/default branch
| |
o |    changeset:   7:75d40ef53d13
|\ \   parent:      4:ecfeaa2d72e6
| | |  parent:      6:61b0ac6b5c20
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 11:56:58 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie merged feature 1 to the developing/default branch
| | |
| @ |  changeset:   6:61b0ac6b5c20
| | |  branch:      eddie
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 11:55:17 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie added feature1
| | |
| o |  changeset:   5:55e842fae920
|/| |  branch:      eddie
| | |  parent:      2:0fb3775dcc73
| | |  parent:      4:ecfeaa2d72e6
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 11:41:25 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie merged with the developing/default branch
| | |
o---+  changeset:   4:ecfeaa2d72e6
| | |  parent:      0:c70162535253
| | |  parent:      3:ffed79d15d20
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 11:35:16 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Merged with Shule's branch
| | |
| | o  changeset:   3:ffed79d15d20
| | |  branch:      shule
| | |  parent:      1:d145928ca80e
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 11:31:06 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Shule's 1st modification to Module 1
| | |
| o |  changeset:   2:0fb3775dcc73
|/ /   branch:      eddie
| |    parent:      0:c70162535253
| |    user:        bliu <>
| |    date:        Thu Jul 26 11:26:57 2012 -0400
| |    summary:     Created Branch for Eddie
| |
| o  changeset:   1:d145928ca80e
|/   branch:      shule
|    user:        bliu <>
|    date:        Thu Jul 26 11:26:28 2012 -0400
|    summary:     Created Branch for Shule
o  changeset:   0:c70162535253
   user:        bliu <>
   date:        Thu Jul 26 11:25:49 2012 -0400
   summary:     Initial commit of TAstroBEAR
  • Scheme II
@    changeset:   19:c687cd2b699d
|\   branch:      1.0.X
| |  tag:         tip
| |  parent:      16:3d2c4134f5e6
| |  parent:      17:b8e25dc8c496
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 16:32:18 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Eddie fixed a bug in module 1
| |
| | o  changeset:   18:d95fe8c2bae7
| |/|  parent:      17:b8e25dc8c496
| | |  parent:      13:250de7722735
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 17:36:04 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie merged his branch with bugfixing in module 1 with trunk
| | |
| o |  changeset:   17:b8e25dc8c496
| | |  parent:      11:257c587657ca
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 16:32:18 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie fixed a bug in module 1
| | |
o---+  changeset:   16:3d2c4134f5e6
| | |  branch:      1.0.X
| | |  parent:      15:750c823af31f
| | |  parent:      13:250de7722735
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 16:37:23 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Shule fixed a bug in feature 1
| | |
o | |  changeset:   15:750c823af31f
| | |  branch:      1.0.X
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 17:22:19 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     backout the mis cherrypicking from the default branch
| | |
o | |  changeset:   14:c8d8de75b020
| | |  branch:      1.0.X
| | |  parent:      12:0b29e0bacf7d
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:33:31 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie modified the feature1.f90
| | |
| | o  changeset:   13:250de7722735
| |/   parent:      11:257c587657ca
| |    user:        bliu <>
| |    date:        Thu Jul 26 16:37:23 2012 -0400
| |    summary:     Shule fixed a bug in feature 1
| |
o |  changeset:   12:0b29e0bacf7d
| |  branch:      1.0.X
| |  parent:      6:cd151c2100ad
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 16:30:23 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Eddie modified feature 1
| |
| o    changeset:   11:257c587657ca
| |\   parent:      10:a22779a560a7
| | |  parent:      9:ae21e6d2d4ba
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:43:15 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie merge his branch with the main branch
| | |
| | o  changeset:   10:a22779a560a7
| | |  parent:      7:cf843a15dbf1
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:33:31 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Eddie modified the feature1.f90
| | |
| o |  changeset:   9:ae21e6d2d4ba
| |\|  parent:      8:94bdb895f471
| | |  parent:      7:cf843a15dbf1
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:39:53 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     merged after putting the tag RELEASE_2_0_X
| | |
| o |  changeset:   8:94bdb895f471
| | |  parent:      4:46982b65c965
| | |  user:        bliu <>
| | |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:30:45 2012 -0400
| | |  summary:     Added tag module2.f90, RELEASE_2_0_X for changeset 46982b65c965
| | |
| | o  changeset:   7:cf843a15dbf1
| |/   parent:      4:46982b65c965
| |    user:        bliu <>
| |    date:        Thu Jul 26 15:08:58 2012 -0400
| |    summary:     Shule created module 2
| |
o |  changeset:   6:cd151c2100ad
| |  branch:      1.0.X
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:04:21 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Added tag RELEASE_1_0_X for changeset 115372a64138
| |
o |  changeset:   5:115372a64138
|/   branch:      1.0.X
|    tag:         RELEASE_1_0_X
|    user:        bliu <>
|    date:        Thu Jul 26 15:03:31 2012 -0400
|    summary:     created a branch for 1.0.X
o    changeset:   4:46982b65c965
|\   tag:         RELEASE_2_0_X
| |  tag:         module2.f90
| |  parent:      3:bc41a66a492a
| |  parent:      2:3d05829cc1c1
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:01:45 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Shule merged his branch with the trunk
| |
| o  changeset:   3:bc41a66a492a
| |  parent:      1:cab73a420c5b
| |  user:        bliu <>
| |  date:        Thu Jul 26 15:01:03 2012 -0400
| |  summary:     Shule's 2nd modification to Module 1
| |
o |  changeset:   2:3d05829cc1c1
|/   user:        bliu <>
|    date:        Thu Jul 26 14:54:08 2012 -0400
|    summary:     Eddie added feature 1
o  changeset:   1:cab73a420c5b
|  user:        bliu <>
|  date:        Thu Jul 26 14:00:31 2012 -0400
|  summary:     Shule's 1st modification to module1.f90
o  changeset:   0:096f4d37e0fd
   user:        bliu <>
   date:        Thu Jul 26 13:59:23 2012 -0400
   summary:     Initial commit of TAstroBEAR
  • Scheme III
    1. trunk
      @  changeset:   11:320adc42a728
      |  tag:         tip
      |  user:        bliu <>
      |  date:        Fri Jul 27 10:08:26 2012 -0400
      |  summary:     Eddie fixed 1st bug in module 2
      o  changeset:   10:ba38a00a54d2
      |  user:        bliu <>
      |  date:        Fri Jul 27 10:07:38 2012 -0400
      |  summary:     Eddie fixed 1st bug in module 1
      o  changeset:   9:b0a88811e50d
      |  user:        bliu <>
      |  date:        Fri Jul 27 10:04:24 2012 -0400
      |  summary:     Added tag RELEASE_2_0_X for changeset 0a89508c8ca2
      o  changeset:   8:0a89508c8ca2
      |  tag:         RELEASE_2_0_X
      |  user:        bliu <>
      |  date:        Fri Jul 27 10:03:30 2012 -0400
      |  summary:     Shule created module 2
      o    changeset:   7:1b91941fb44b
      |\   parent:      6:4aac04e39e42
      | |  parent:      5:957430289152
      | |  user:        bliu <>
      | |  date:        Fri Jul 27 10:01:33 2012 -0400
      | |  summary:     Shule merged his branch with the trunk
      | |
      | o  changeset:   6:4aac04e39e42
      | |  parent:      2:d2bb8f24ef20
      | |  user:        bliu <>
      | |  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:51:18 2012 -0400
      | |  summary:     Shule made 2nd modification to module 1
      | |
      o |  changeset:   5:957430289152
      | |  user:        bliu <>
      | |  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:52:24 2012 -0400
      | |  summary:     Eddie fixed the 1st bug in feature 1
      | |
      o |  changeset:   4:2bf0d822ec6f
      | |  user:        bliu <>
      | |  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:49:03 2012 -0400
      | |  summary:     Eddie created feature 2
      | |
      o |  changeset:   3:307471c2a37e
      |/   user:        bliu <>
      |    date:        Fri Jul 27 09:44:54 2012 -0400
      |    summary:     Added tag RELEASE_1_0_X for changeset d2bb8f24ef20
      o  changeset:   2:d2bb8f24ef20
      |  tag:         RELEASE_1_0_X
      |  user:        bliu <>
      |  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:43:34 2012 -0400
      |  summary:     Shule created feature 1
      o  changeset:   1:abd9168ebcbc
      |  user:        bliu <>
      |  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:40:19 2012 -0400
      |  summary:     Eddie made the 1st modification to module 1
      o  changeset:   0:98888bad8a2a
         user:        bliu <>
         date:        Fri Jul 27 09:38:33 2012 -0400
         summary:     Initial committment of shceme3
  1. Release Branch 1.0.x
@  changeset:   6:ecb6fe41824f
|  tag:         tip
|  user:        bliu <>
|  date:        Fri Jul 27 10:07:38 2012 -0400
|  summary:     Eddie fixed 1st bug in module 1
o  changeset:   5:898bd6d22ad9
|  user:        bliu <>
|  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:51:18 2012 -0400
|  summary:     Shule made 2nd modification to module 1
o  changeset:   4:c4c15931c578
|  user:        bliu <>
|  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:52:24 2012 -0400
|  summary:     Eddie fixed the 1st bug in feature 1
o  changeset:   3:307471c2a37e
|  user:        bliu <>
|  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:44:54 2012 -0400
|  summary:     Added tag RELEASE_1_0_X for changeset d2bb8f24ef20
o  changeset:   2:d2bb8f24ef20
|  tag:         RELEASE_1_0_X
|  user:        bliu <>
|  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:43:34 2012 -0400
|  summary:     Shule created feature 1
o  changeset:   1:abd9168ebcbc
|  user:        bliu <>
|  date:        Fri Jul 27 09:40:19 2012 -0400
|  summary:     Eddie made the 1st modification to module 1
o  changeset:   0:98888bad8a2a
   user:        bliu <>
   date:        Fri Jul 27 09:38:33 2012 -0400
   summary:     Initial committment of shceme3

Meeting Update 0724 - Jason and Ivan

Meeting Update 0724

I've been porting the resistive solvers to the newest revision. Also have been working on the scaling and set up for the new project: the resistive clump simulations. The set up of our "standard" case is as follows:

ambient density = 1 mg/cc
atomic mass = 12 (carbon)
ambient temperature = 5 ev
density contrast = 100
clump radii = 0.1
tube radii = 0.3
shock speed = 40 km/s (mach 5)
magnetic beta = 4
magnetic reynolds number
simulation time = 4 crushing times
resolution = 64 zones per clump radii

with two additional runs:

with cooling

The magnetic reynolds number of 10 implies that:

i.e. each hydro step requires 4 resistive steps. Therefore the simulations should not require cycling resistive steps, but will be demanding.

I'm currently working on the low resolution version of the runs (with 24 zones per clump radii) to check things. But the production runs should be doable on bluegene. (the previous paper's runs of 192 zones grid takes 4 days with cooling)

Meeting Update 07/24/2012 - Eddie

Used Jonathan's new refinement objects for my 3D jet simulations. Here's a comparison of how it was refining before to how it refines with the shape object that I defined in the problem module:

Old Method New Method


I'm also working on setting up a quarter grid simulation which should significantly speed things up.

In a meeting last week, we decided to keep the density contrast (eta) equal to 1 for the runs we want to do. Now, increases in jet and ambient density result in stronger cooling throughout the simulation. Here is a table for proposed runs:

Run Density Chi Base Grid AMR Levels Cells per Jet Radius
A 10 0.358 48 x 24 x 24 3 32
B 100 0.0358 54 x 27 x 27 6 288
C 1000 0.00358 66 x 33 x 33 9 2816

Resolution is based on ~10 cells per cooling length.

Meeting update

I have done 5 new runs, all with BE sphere in a box that is ~ 30 BE radii across. The runs are as follows:

A light case with rho_ambient=0.001rho(Rbe):

Here I am seeing the sphere very stable for ~4.5 crossing times, but then it starts pretty fast, and I am not sure what the cause of this would be.. I see that a velocity wave is penetrating inside of the sphere, and it seems like it is tied to the expansion of the sphere at the end. Could this be numerical diffusion at the boundary of the sphere, leaking velocity inward? Since the mass of the ambient cells is so slight, wouldn't expect any momentum to be transferred inward. .

A BE sphere with a 10% density enhancement (Bannerjee and Pudritz setup):

This is classic outside in collapse of the BE sphere, markedly different than the matched and intermediate cases.

A BE sphere in an ambient with density that matches the sphere's outer edge:

And 3 intermediate densities between rho matched and rho ambient = 0.01 rho(Rbe), in order of densest ambient to lightest:

As a remark on the stable case above, it is definitely stable within the time scales of the other simulations..

Baowei's Meeting Update 07/24/12

Martin's update, 23 July '12

  • Improving figures and writing the results section of the disk paper. Latest draft:
  • Pushing the 15AU sim in bluehive and bgene (very sow), close to 2 orbits.
  • Pushing the AGN sims.
  • Writing job application research proposals.

Energy budget for non-accreting case

I looked at the total energies for the non-accreting case and everything looks good.

Total energy seems to flatten out after the first collapse… The 5% error could be due to the softening approximation for the gravitational energy I am using in visit… But the temperature on this run also looks good

Here we see the temperature at the 1st and last frame on a linear scale.

However, with accretion turned on a hot spot develops instantly within the accretion kernel before the disk has had time to collapse or heat… This is certainly a bug that I will look into this weekend.

It looks like the problem module was creating two point gravity objects - and that the additional point gravity object had no softening. This was causing the inside out collapse and the large heating at the center.

Different AMR levels

Regarding the overheating issue in the disk center.

I did 4 runs with different AMR levels and as you can see in the graph the greater the level the less overheating in the center. I couldn't run a 5 AMR levels simulation due to MPI issues but you can see the trend here.

Although it seems that an increased refinement level solves the overheating issue in the center, I am worried about the spike at the disk/ambient boundary. I am currently looking into that.

In the graph, the X axis is the distance from the center at constant Z, the Y axis is the temperature value.

Meeting 0720

using particle refinement for jet sims

So Martin showed me how I can set up a particle to have better refinement for my 3D cooling jet sims. The old method was just refining along momentum gradients. Now I am just refining a box around the jet head. Run C, which is the density matched (eta=1) jet is running way faster. It took bluegene 3 days to do 80 frames on 256 procs with the old refining method. With the new refining method, it has taken grass less than 2 hours on 8 procs. Here is a snapshot of the mesh with the new particle refinement:

The next step is to only simulate a quarter of the grid since everything is symmetric. This will make the runs even faster.

Meeting Update 0719 - Jason and Ivan

- Initial scenario, mach number issue

-Reduced mach number by increasing pressure 10 times

LinkDensity evolution

There is a overheating in the 4 central cells at t=0.0025

Now looking at the interval t=0 - 0.0025 in 30 frames
Link30 frames

Same configuration with a cold ambient
LinkCold Ambient

- Disabling accretion
Improved temperature behavior
LinkSide view

- Reducing central mass by a factor of 10
LinkSide view
- Attempt to enable accretion again
LinkDensity evolution

Initial results with hydrostatic equilibrium (not really important right now)
Accretion should be disabled to make it more stable

HydroStatic Isothermal Disk

First every distance is softened to avoid trouble at origin

Distance from origin:

Distance from rotation axis:

Disk radius:

Then angular velocity is set to be keplerian and balance force along the 's' direction

Then the density within the disk is set to be constant along the midplane with a decaying exponential to give vertical hydrostatic equilibrium.

where the scale height is given by

At the outer rim of the disk when Omega goes to zero and the profile changes slightly to

which is just the profile for an envelope about a point mass in hydrostatic equilibrium ie

Then for each point where is the disk background density.

Finally additionally smoothing is done in density and pressure between the disk solution and the original cell values at the outer radius using the disk%thickness to define this smoothing distance - although I did just notice a typo if one uses the hydrostatic disk without using an isothermal EOS…


should be replaced with


so that if one uses a gamma of 1.0001 the disk is at the same temperature.

Solid type boundaries with accelerating source terms

So Erica was seeing high velocities and low densities near the boundaries even though the ghost zones were being stepped on with zero velocity and moderate densities every time step. So I setup a simple test problem to verify that this behavior was reasonable. I used a uniform gravity setup but with the top half of the grid being stepped on each time step with the initial values of density, pressure and 0 velocity. I also did a comparison with a reflecting boundary instead to see if it was much different - although there are 'wiggles' that appear in the reflecting case perhaps because of density protections? Here everything has a value of 1… rho, g, P, cs, etc…

Attached is a movie showing the behavior of the density and velocity fields for both cases.

New Revision 951:b789b34104cb in the official repository

Meeting Update 0717 - Jason and Ivan

  • The material in the disk runs at highly supersonic speeds ~190 Mach, however, it should be stable anyway and shocks should not develop
  • The shocks we are seeing are probably due to vertical collapse, a new density distribution is needed
  • Hydrostatic equilibrium is being implemented to solve this issue

Meeting Update 07/17/2012 - Eddie

I have some partial runs of my 3D jet simulations. They are all 256 processor jobs on bluegene with rev 950. Here is that chart of all the runs I want to do:

run n jet eta chi required x res base grid levels actual cells per cooling length cells per jet radius
A 0.1 0.01 0.0015 78,335
B 1 0.1 0.034 3495 56 x 28 x 28 6 10.15 298.67
C 10 1 0.358 335 48 x 24 x 24 3 11.46 32
D 100 10 1.367 88 48 x 24 x 24 3 43.74 32
E 1000 100 2.428 50 48 x 24 x 24 3 77.70 32

Run A was not even attempted, run B was taking too long so I have to figure out a better way to refine. Martin showed me how I can use a particle to refine only the jet head. I need to play around with this to make sure I get it right for each simulation. In the meantime, I have submitted restarts for runs C, D, and E to finish them up.

It's kind of tricky to compare the different runs on the same color scale since they are all in slightly different density regimes. Here are snapshots of C, D, and E at the same time:

Run Chi Image
C 0.358
D 1.367
E 2.428

Run C ran the longest, so here is a video (the color scale here is different from the color scale above):


The majority of my time is spent on studying for the prelim now.

Meeting update

Here are updated movies of my "matched" ambient case:

Note dx = 0.03, and cs=0.4 km/s:




Here is a pic of the mesh:

I think I am having issues with my restarts. I just ran a bigger sized mesh of this problem on BH and after the restart there I am again seeing a jump in vrad at the boundaries. Also, there appears to be no inflow at the corners of my box. . I am using the winds module to step on the velocity at the boundary. .

Before restart:

After restart:

Meeting Update 07/17/2012 - Baowei

Martin's update, 7/17 '12


New 10 AU disk mass plot shown along with mass flux out of the grid. The gradients are consistent: the disk mass decreases as the outwards mass flux increases. Thus during the first 3 disk orbits the wind removes a few 10% of the disk mass. It also makes sense that the effect is less significant in the 20 AU case (below); the disk is father away from the primary hence its wind has less ram pressure, by a factor of r-1.
New 20 AU disk mass plot shown along with mass flux out of the grid. The gradients are also consistent.
New 20 AU angular momentum profiles vs disk radius and time. Trying to understand whether these plots are correct and if they tell us something about warping. There are 10 data points per orbit and per coordinate. The momenta are added on spherical shells centered at the secondary. Though our 20 AU disk is far from Keplerian, as shown by the streamline maps, jzKeplerian ~ r½. The 1, 2 and 3 orbit jz profiles (black ones, left panel) are proportional to r~.9.
  • 15 AU sim running again, up to .5 orbits and the disk has formed already. Should have the data by next week.

Teragrid proposal and magnetic tower paper submitted. :)

AGN jet truncation trying to get runs finished. May have some movies here by Tuesday the 17th.

Meeting Update 0710

Been working on the resistive stuff. Also updated paper with quantatative analysis:

Meeting Update 07/10/2012 - Baowei

Meeting Update 07/10/2012 - Eddie

  • My jet sims failed to run on bluegene because mpi did not like my astrobear executable. I was having some trouble compiling in bluegene, but changing some lines in my .bashrc seemed to do the trick. The jobs have been resubmitted, so now I wait.
  • I merged some of my revisions and updated with the current scrambler repository. This revision which I am now testing will fix a couple of old tickets that I was working on (#171, #198) as well as the NEQ and Z cooling enhancements (#147, #224).

Meeting Update 0710 - Jason and Ivan

  • Disk disrupts at a certain mass/radius ratio
  • The mass of the central object is directly proportional to the rate of disruption

Original run (6*106 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 0.6 MSun , radius 1.33*10-3 AU) :
LinkOriginal Run
Link:Velocity vectors

Ambient cooler than disk (100 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 0.6 MSun) :
Link:Cool ambient

Central object with little mass (6*106 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 1*10-2 MSun) :
LinkLittle mass

Central object with no mass (6*106 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 0 MSun) :
Link:No mass

Reference run (Radius = 20au, Mcentral = 1MSun ):


I have been focusing on the prelim the last week, so no real updates on research stuff. I am attempting to refine my simulation with the use of tracers. It was pretty straightforward to assign a tracer in my simulation, but am still playing with how to control the refinement using the tracer I put inside my clump.

Meeting update

  • Found bug in reflecting self-gravity #228
  • working on scaling - #202
  • implementing new refinement criteria/implementation #225

Meeting Update 0702

All runs are finished and looking good. New Figures for the paper are here (too many):
fig03: strong toroidal(beta=0.25), aligned with the shock.
fig04: strong toroidal(beta=0.25), perpendicular with the shock.
fig05: strong poloidal(beta=0.25), aligned with the shock.
fig06: strong poloidal(beta=0.25), perpendicular with the shock.
fig07: weak toroidal(beta=0.25), aligned with the shock.
fig08: weak toroidal(beta=0.25), perpendicular with the shock.

fig12: kinetic energy transfer and total magnetic energy for the strong contained field cases.
fig13: kinetic energy transfer and total magnetic energy for the weak contained field cases.
fig14: mixing ratio at tcc and 3tcc for the strong contained field cases.
fig15: mixing ratio at tcc and 3tcc for the weak contained field cases.

Volume rendered movie for one special case: strong poloidal perpendicular to demonstrate the clump morphology evolution:
Mixing ratio has very different behavior when the contained field pressure is changed: in the strong contained field cases, the initial mixing ratio look almost identical but then develops differences as the simulations went on. But in the weak contained field cases, there is a sharp difference between the toroidal and poloidal configurations.
Movie of mixing ratio for the strong contained case:
Movie of mixing ratio for the weak contained case:

Meeting Update 07/03/2012 - Jason and Ivan

Initial parameters are all set:

  • Central star mass: 0.6 Msun
  • Disrupted companion mass: 10 MJupiter
Disk Ambient
Mass (MJupiter) 10 -
Radius (cm) 2*1010 -
Height (cm) 1*1010 -
Density (g/cc) 1.51 0.001
Temperature (K) 1000 6*106
  • Current issue with ratio Mdisk/Mcentral

Density plot: Temperature plot:

Baowei's Meeting Update 07/03/12

Meeting update

This past week I have:

*Read the Hannebelle paper (very good/pertinent to what I am doing now).

*Added Poisson BC parameters under the tutorials>data files explained>

And worked on the following sims:

*Reflecting quandrant of sphere:

I learned more about the role of BCs in fluid simulations. That is, how they control the fluid variables across boundaries. For instance, when slicing through a symmetric object, the boundaries on the faces of the slice should be reflecting so the flow at that boundary is the same, as it would be by symmetry. I also learned more about why using extrapolating BCs at a boundary for subsonic flow may lead to issues — it has to do with the ghost region copying data from adjacent domain cells. If the fluid variables copied are pointing in the 'wrong' direction, which may happen from random thermal motions in a subsonic flow, they will be pasted inside the neighboring domain cell and subsequently the flow will be flowing in the wrong direction inside this boundary. I learned that the winds module when used will set any inflow to be 0, but will allow outflow. With these in mind, I set the domain BC's to be reflecting on the 3 faces of the sliced sphere, and used the winds module on the other sides (periodic was NOT an option, as you need a pair of boundaries for periodic to work!). As far as the elliptic boundaries go, I am using reflecting as well on the same 3 sides, and multipole everywhere else. I am unsure of how to proceed from here, given that sim. is currently stuck (see ticket -

*Larger box size, higher refinement inside the BE sphere:

I learned why refinement was not being triggered in my matched ambient simulation (see ticket 223). After making an adjustment to my problem module, am now running this set up on the larger domain (30.83) with 6 levels of refinement. This is refining the clump to about 33 cells per radius. I am running the sim out to t=0.2, which is about 2x longer than the time it took for Pthermal>Pcrit, and with 200 frames. This will give us a temporal resolution ~ 10 x greater than before so we can see more clearly the cause of the anomalous "bounce" that concerned us before.

I am also rerunning the Light ambient case at the same resolution, 303 + 6 levels.

Both of these sims are using the winds module at the domain boundary, and multipole for the elliptic.

Concerning refinement of the matched case. If we are interesting in refining the clump down to 10% its original size with 30 cells p/ radius, 7 levels of refinement would be sufficient. However, this seems a HIGHLY inefficient way to refine as I am currently refining now — with a geometric condition. A much better way would be to use Jean's length again, but to figure out how to restrict the Jeans refinement to be only within the sphere (not the Jeans unstable ambient medium). Will talk to Jonathan about this.

The matched ambient case is more than half way done now (external pressure on the sphere's edge should exceed threshold by now), and the light is ~ 1/10 the way. Hope to post figures/movies with the results by the meeting tomorrow — at least what I'll have so far by then.