Posts for the month of February 2021

Fermi Project Update 02/18/21

Goal: Figure out how to make the probe velocity and range normally distributed within our FORTRAN model.
Method: First added a local variable called 'technology' to the program. Then used random walks to have it be normally distributed around the technological capabilities of the abiogenesis seed (first habited system). Finally, I made the probe range and velocity relativistic functions of this new technology variable. The table below shows the initial values inputted into the model.

v00.0001c=30 km/sInitial Probe Velocity
r010 lyrInitial Probe Range
t0=r0/v0100,000 yearsInitial Probe Lifetime

Click here to see the PDF which summarizes calculation/implementation of the normally distributed probe ranges/distances
Click here for more information about the input variables for the models shown below.


  • The pink boxes surround systems that are uninhabited.
  • All simulations begin with 10 systems originally habited.
  • Galaxy Model shows time with unit Myr. Total runtime being 1000 Myr.
  • In contrast, the periodic box model has a total runtime of 1 Myr. Thus I show frames instead of time, where each frame is approximately 1/1000 Myr.
  • x=(number of habited systems)/(total number of systems)

Galaxy Model

Periodic Box Model

Analytic Model

Update 02/15

Notes about the Federrath+14 jet/outflow model:

Jet parameters in our model:

Jet Data
jet_radius 16 size of outflow region in finest level cells
jet_collimation .2618 pi/12 !collimation of outflow
jet_temp 30000. jet temp in Kelvin
jet_index 1. exponent of collimation
jet_masslossrate 2e0 solar masses / yr
lcorrect T Apply conservative correction
jet_vrad 430.75 km/s radial velocity of jet, use Keplerian velocity for m2 and 1 solar radius
jet_vphi .5 km/s approximate rotation speed of jet
spin_axis 0d0,0d0,1d0 outflow axis


  1. understand the feedback module. what are the initial profiles of density and velocity inside the spherical cones launching the jets?
  1. compute how much of the jet material is unbound, using the spline potential, velocity profile and density profile.
  1. plot the jet tracer density

Updates 2/15/21

Early Asteroid Magnetization

Adding lineouts of the day side to illustrate the issues of theoretical estimates of amplification.

Moon Impact Magnetization

Settled on a spherical field distribution of the form:

Will add another blog post about the equations and plot for current, and magnetic potential.

Hot Neptunes

I have forgotten how to compile code it seems. Should be an easy fix.

Fermi Project Update (02/13/2021)

Goal: Figure out how to make the probe velocity and range normally distributed within our FORTRAN model.
Method: First added a local variable called 'technology' to the program. Then used random walks to have it be normally distributed around the technological capabilities of the abiogenesis seed (first habited system). Finally, I made the probe range and velocity relativistic functions of this new technology variable. See the pdf below for more details about calculation/implementation.
Click here to see the PDF which summarizes my progress so far and potential steps.

Current Model Output (Colored by Technology, Pink=Unsettled)

v00.0001c=30 km/sInitial Probe Velocity
r010 lyrInitial Probe Range
t0=r0/v0100,000 yearsInitial Probe Lifetime

Figure: The above gif shows the temporal evolution of a model galaxy. Beginning with 10 habited solar systems (ie: abiogensis seeds), these systems send probes out to nearby systems, thus making those systems inhabited and repeating the process until the entire galaxy is filled with life. The uninhabited systems are shown as the pink boxes. Note that a selection effect results in the systems on the outer edge of the galaxy gaining high technological abilities before systems near the center.

Initial Conditions for Lunar Impact Magnetization

Based on the impactor conditions from Oran et al. (2020) and its supplementary material we have most impact plasma conditions apart from the magnetic field (which they do not seem to inject by any mechanism).

Impact Plasma conditions from iSALE-2D :

  1. Initial Vapour temperature: 2000 K (varies down to 500 K for some models)
  1. Wind Speed: 400 km/s to 1000 km/s
  1. Wind Density: Plots in S4, but no analytical form. Looks proportional to y.
  1. Magnetic field: Probably several equations work.

Assuming the field distribution is similar to that of a very thick (radius ), finite length (), current carrying wire, the field and vector potential in cylindrical coordinates are:

  1. Resistivity Profile: Same as used for the NSF proposal.

We can start