Posts for the month of March 2021

Update 3/16


Update March 2021

Coupled EBM

I submitted the paper to AJ and arXiv.
Our Paper is on arXiv Here
ADS Link

Fermi Project

Update on Current Progress

Closeup of Beta=+3.0 Alpha_low

Density, Temperature


x and z momenta

Magnetic Field Flux in 1D

Consider the induction equation for a MHD fluid:

For the x axis, . Hence, only the y component of the above equation is important.

This gives us 10 terms to plot on the RHS, but before doing that we take integral wrt x on both sides from x = -R to x (the asteroid surface is taken to be at 0). The resulting plot is shown below for the 3 cases. The plots are labelled in the order they appear in the above equation.


In order of increasing Beta, ranging from -1.0 to 3.0

Small Jets


Movies of 1D shocks that move with the shock

I've generated a new set of 1D movies. They are the same as the previous one except that the spatial coordinates are shifted so that 0.0 moves with the shock. This allows us to watch instabilities evolve as the shock moves. Values of Beta start at -1.0 in the top left, increasing by 0.5 moving to the right and 2.0 by moving down

Update 03/01

Current jet setup

Domian size 8.000e+13 cm 1.150e+03 Rsun
Base grid size 1.562e+11 cm 2.246e+00 Rsun
L4 cell size 9.766e+09 cm 1.404e-01 Rsun
ptcl rc 1.676e+11 cm 2.409e+00 Rsun 1.716e+01 # of cells
Primary radius 3.350e+12 cm 4.815e+01 Rsun
a0 3.409e+12 cm 4.900e+01 Rsun
Jet radius 1.562e+11 cm 2.246e+00 Rsun 1.600e+01 # of cells
Jet Mdot 1.261e+26 g/s 2.000e+00 Msun/yr
Jet vrad 4.375e+7 cm/s 430.75 km/s
  • Problem: jets are launched inside the particle softening radius, and most of the material is bound relative to particle 2.
  • Increasing jet radial speed by a factor of 2 (the green lines below):

Energy relative to P2, with smoothed gravity

Energy relative to P2, with Newtonian gravity