High Res 2D MHD Colliding Flow run

This is 64 + 3 levels 2D run with reflecting, B-parallel BCs on x1 and x2 (extrapolating on y1 and y2). I am seeing the cells reaching higher densities in this higher res run than in the lower res run, and a single sink particle by about 16 Myr (compared to 3D smooth hydro runs, tsink~20 Myr).


I am still NOT seeing striations with these boundary conditions, even at higher resolution here in 2D.

For comparison, here is the same movie at the original lower resolution. Note, no sink particles are formed here, and the max density is ~500-



1. Jonathan -- 11 years ago

Very cool… there is a lot of large scale eddies at the top and bottom due to the magnetic fields… It might be cool to plot magnetic field lines?

2. Erica Kaminski -- 11 years ago

With bear2fix? Or can you do that in Visit too?

3. Erica Kaminski -- 11 years ago

The 3D run (low res- 643 fixed grid) also looks good to go -
