Convection project

Update on plan

The OPAL EOS seems to go very deep into thermodynamics, which will take a long time before I figure every detail out. The (tentative) plan for precede this plan is list as follows

  1. Run MESA and understand the output: To use OPAL EOS, we need mentality information, which is now lacking.

    Success so far but still working on the understanding part.
    Remark: MESA took (almost) all my computer's remaining memory away

  2. Cross compare the OPAL EOS with MESA output by using and as the independent variables.
  3. Get a new initial condition for our simulation
  4. Put into ASTROBear

Meanwhile, I will try to understand the physics behind OPAL EOS.

Note update

Note >
Added section 3 on Statistical mechanics. In Roger's paper he mentioned that Grand Canonical ensemble is where the derivation start, so I'm trying to understand this part first


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