CEE energy budget project

New Work

  • Working closely with Luke to prepare for the paper. We are hoping to get a first draft by next Monday
  • Updates on energy note

https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~yishengtu/CEE_gp_meeting_07312018/Energy_note_07312018.pdf (most up-to-date)

The major updates for energy note are

  • High resolution data updates (section 6.1) Many thanks to Luke, Baowei and Jonathan!
  • Comparison between theoretical calculation and simulation values. (section 5.2 and 6.2)
  • Spacial energy plots added self-gravity of the gas
  • Plots about energy and mass within the orbital radius of the particles (section 5.4 and 5.6)
  • momentum (not very useful for now)
  • Updates on energy figure


This is a separate note intended to analyze the energy figure (figure 2 in energy_note_06262018 and figure 2, 3, 4 in current version)

Some of the plots in this note are not up to date as the energy note. The table is also not as up-to-date as the energy note In this note, figure 1, 5, 6 compares results from our simulation to that of Ohlmann's.

  • Updates on energy movies. The movies last time excluded the gas-self gravity. This updated version includes this term.

This movie is the normalized energy movie. The normalization term is the larger term of the absolute value of potential energy and kinetic energy (include internal) https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~yishengtu/CEE_gp_meeting_07312018/D143_energy_movie_Z.gif

This movie is the absolute value of the energy in log scale. I am still trying to figure out a better way to present the actual values of energy density but so far this is what I could think of ..


Next step

  • May want to justify the similarities between de-resolved data and full resolution data since some of the data could be hard to obtain with full-resolved data.
  • More work on the paper with Luke


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