Updates on High Resistivity case and Equivalent Resistivity

High Resistivity (Moon-like)

The prior runs of this case (back in October'19) did not have the proper absorbing boundary conditions and the density of the planet was not being used. That was case was running quite fast.

Now, the density of the moon is kept low as it is supposed to be an excellent absorber of plasma. The fields go through quickly and try to pull material out (which there is not much of) leading to smaller timesteps.

Here is the simulation with a higher density wind and moon:

Another one with present day solar wind (and moon with half the density):

We also found an unintended line in the Boundary condition function, so that could have helped.

Calculating Effective Resistivity

To compare effective resistivity of different models we are doing a weighted average of the conductivity with the current (suggested by Prof. Pierre Gourdain). That is (image to be added later. Latex makes blog crash.)


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