High Resistivity Issue, Equivalent Resistivity, 3D Plot of Field

Equivalent Resistivity

Computed the table for the cases I had so far. The comet case seems to cause more amplification for a given equivalent (or even just) resistivity, followed by the shell case, and then the uniform case.

Also, can cases with different winds parameters be directly compared?

Here is the table for cases with 300 #/cc, 500km/s, 1e6 K.

(Image and table in Excel)

High resistivity

The present day moon case at least ran completely with some noise. The case with Magnetic Reynolds' number of 0.5 (needed for the above table) runs into major issues:


3D Plot of Field Lines

This is to be added to the Supplementary information of a paper: https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~aanand/movies/diffusion_2/3d_rot_trial/only_lines_2.gif

Need suggestions on how to add more field lines in the front. Will also need to patch the data into fixed grid to stop the field lines from breaking.



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