Update 11/25

Radiation Pressure

Still waiting for responses to comments. Should probably send around again.


https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/MHD/clump_B.png https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/MHD/clump_vel.png

The clump test is also clearly not working. Additionally, the advection test is behaving very differently on the development branch than on the line_transfer branch. All of this suggests that there's a bug in one or more places.

Also, here's the rotating run test:

https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/MHD/Run2_rot_0050_B.png https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~adebrech/MHD/Run2_rot_0050_vel.png

Charge Exchange

Here's frame 250.



Looks very similar to the last frame of the movie I showed previously. Once I get a movie up to the latest frame, I'll see if we can stop.

Scaling Test

Haven't gotten the KNL nodes working yet.



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