Some Planetary Wind Tests

Results of some \gamma = 5/3 runs.

Test Run A: standard. 200x400. 1 level of refinement. Tmax = 1.0

Test Run B: standard. 100x200. 0 level of refinement. Tmax = 1.0

  • seeing weird behavior?

Test Run C: standard. 100x200. 0 level of refinement. Tmax = 4.9; 50 frames

  • seeing weird behavior.
  • Wind does not expand uniformly


Test Run D: standard. 100x200. 1 level of refinement. Tmax = 4.9; 50 frames

  • no change from C


Test Run E: standard. 200x400. 1 level of refinement. Tmax = 4.9; 50 frames

  • no change from C, just better resolution
  • is it the \gamma=5/3 or something about timing? Almost looks like the wind is turning off.


Test Run F: standard. 200x400. 1 level of refinement. Tmax = 4.9; 50 frames

  • \gamma=1.01


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