Posts by author alipnicky

Meeting update 12/16/13 - Andy

Unfortunately, due to long queue times I was not able to run until this morning. However, Baowei's new planet_profile.dat file solved the problem, but a more elegant solution will be achieved in the future. For now I just need it to run.

This is what the first frame looks like, I just have the density profile of the planet plotted:

The simulation box size only surrounds the planet. When I increased the box size, I see the star form as well but the planet is no longer formed. I believe that the planet is too small to be resolved. At this point I need to investigate the code more and get a better understanding of what is going on.

Meeting update 12/3/13 - Andy

My overall goal is to place a Jupiter-like planet around a star which I will eventually put so close to the star so that it gets tidally shredded. For a long time I attempted to use a BE sphere to do this but it seems that the BE sphere gets ram pressure stripped because the density contrast at the boundary is not high enough to withstand the velocities at the shredding radius. Jason suggested that I try a polytrope object or the density profile that Jonathan and collaborators were working on. I decided to go with the density profile which Jonathan supplied me with and had to get the current version of AstroBEAR(3.0) to get it working. With Baowei's help, I was able to compile 3.0. It seems that lines 69 and 70 are the same in the makefile which is for the physics/EOS.f90 file. This created an error with my compiler which was easily fixed by deleting one of the lines. After changing that and a lot of emails with Jonathan I was able to get his Planetary Atmospheres module to compile successfully.

At this point I keep seg faulting when I go to run the code. After running with the error flags on I got the following error message:

 forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #1 of the array DATA has value 1 which is greater than the upper bound of 0

This occurs at line 161 of the problem.f90 file which is where the code tries to assign r_cutoff. It does this by looping through the density profile and finding the point where the density is lower than the ambient and then assigning r_cutoff to the be that radius.

 DO i=1,nEntries-1
   IF (Clump%profile%data(i,2) < rho_amb) EXIT

When I looked at the density profile it seems that the density is never lower than the ambient. I believe this is the source of the problem but when I changed the density profile for the last density entry to be lower than the ambient it still seg faults at the same point. Although, if the density is never lower than the ambient I think it should just assign r_cutoff with the radius at i=nEntries-1…