Posts by author ceh5286

Testing planetary mass with the outflow object

The linked gifs are for outflows with the following parameters: = 100, = 0.001, outflow radius of 10, outflow thickness of 3, = 200, = 0.0001, = 2, = 0.2, and the mass is varied from 1 Jupiter mass (first two plots) to 0.001 (second two plots). In the first case, since gravity is very strong, infall forms a column of superheated ambient gas (inaccurately dubbed the 'laser planet' — easier to remember than 'superheated plasma planet'). In the second case, gravity is weak enough that the outflow is unimpeded, and is symmetric.

The second case suffers from some artifacting with respect to the outflow boundary.

1 Jupiter mass planet, T/v plot

1 Jupiter mass, rho/v plot

0.001 Jupiter mass T/v plot

0.001 Jupiter mass rho/v plot

Angular dependence of outflow temperature

In the vein of Stone and Proga (2009), we've made a first cut at implementing an angular dependence for heating. The heating rate, from S&P's equation (6): where at the line connecting the centers of mass of the star and the planet. , , , stellar wind velocity = 10 (not exactly in line with S&P's second case). Further testing is in progress.
