Posts by author likuntian

udpate 20160229

Erica: I tried putting all three CALL CreateSpectra function together but the data is not separating the three boxes. So I separated them and ran each one. Once I increased the GmX to (640,64,64) and the final time to 100, the code seems to run extremely slowly and it chocked at the 11th output. I'm not sure if I can revise the code or change a machine to resolve this problem.

Here are some of the histograms: The first one is more like a initial try, I used GmX = 160,16,16 and a very small final time.

No image "Low-resolution" attached to Blog: udpate 20160229

The second one is with high resolution and large final time, and I plotted in the log scale.

No image "High_resolution" attached to Blog: udpate 20160229


  1. Velocity Log Spectrum
  • Attached are an old plot from last semester with low resolution, and a new one with GmX = (640, 64, 64) resolution.
  • My intuition is that the curve should smooth out when resolution is higher but the pattern is not quite obvious.
  • Another curiosity is why the curve for Spectra_00100 is smoother than Spectra_00200. Is it because as time progresses, the data has more details thus more bumps?

No image "velocity gmx160" attached to Blog: 20160208

No image "velocity gmx640" attached to Blog: 20160208

  1. Histogram of density
  • Still working on this. There is a segmentation fault in the code after I added the histogram function, and Baowei is helping me debugging it. Error message shows as :

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #1 of the array Q has value 6 which is greater than the upper bound of 5

  • I also adjusted "spectra.f90" in astrobear/src/processing, below is the code:


DO i=layout%mB(MPI_ID,1,1), layout%MB(MPI_ID,1,2)

x=(REAL(i,KIND=qPREC)-origin(1))/radius(1) DO j=layout%MB(MPI_ID,2,1), layout%MB(MPI_ID,2,2)

y=(REAL(j,KIND=qPREC)-origin(2))/radius(2) DO k=layout%MB(MPI_ID,3,1), layout%MB(MPI_ID,3,2)

z=(REAL(k,KIND=qPREC)-origin(3))/radius(3) r=x IF (r > 1d0) THEN




END IF data(i,j,k,:)=data(i,j,k,:)*weight

! Spectra%WindowFunction=COSINE_WINDOW


  1. A general inquiry for Jonathan:

If I want to divide the whole space into three sections to study the spectrum in each one, which part of the code should I adjust, is it line 296 in "spectra.f90" (r=x) again?

Velocity Spectra

Mass density spectrum plot

First testing Astrobear result

  1. Checked out the WireTurbulence data
  2. Ran code
  3. Used Visit to analyze result
  4. Output the movie