Latest CRL618


1. martinhe -- 13 years ago

Wolfgang Steffen, Rich and I have gotten shape to run again.

To produce synthetic emission and pv diagrams, astrobear chombos have to be transformed into ascii files using bear2fix. So far, for the latest runs (256x128x128+3amr), I've only managed to do this for cells with a 0 amr level. The clump, its backflow and its wake are captured by cells with 0< amr level ⇐ 3 (see image below). Therefore the shape map of this object does not show any flow details; shows the clump and a part of the bowshock, crudely. I'm still working on it, adjusting both bear2fix and shape parameters, but we may want to consider to run specific low res sims to be used with shape.

2. martinhe -- 13 years ago

Shape's synthetic maps. CLICK TO ENLARGE.


stratified ambientstratified ambientconstant ambientconstant ambient
emission (rho2) pv emission (rho2) pv


stratified ambientstratified ambientconstant ambientconstant ambient
emission (rho2) pv emission (rho2) pv
3. martinhe -- 13 years ago

The above diagrams are my first shot at the latest simulations. They are preliminary results. Most of the them show logarithmic gray scales; they show little information otherwise. The objets are not bipolar; we have only one jet or clump in either case. Diagrams are produced using zones of base grid (see colorful figure in comment 1). We cannot use other ceels due to memory limitations (which happen in the process of transforming data from chombos into ascii file via bear2fix).

We want to compare with: As Tim did, every grid length unit corresponds to 500 AU. Seem that shape is not interpreting distances as we want them. I have to work on these images further.

Regarding the spherical shells in the ambient. I will send the clump version of it to run.