Update 9/26

Crl 618

The jet with rings simulation is coming along nicely. Still running in Bluehive with about 30% done along the x-direction. http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~blin/sum11/400jet/400jet.gif

Don't see the jet interacting much with the ambient rings as much as the clump.


Updated the Field Loop 2D test page to Astrobear 2 relevance.

Had to do a rerun of all tests (for note, each run takes around 6 minutes on 2 procs) for the radiative shock test due to a error in my global.data. I originally had

Gmx=16,2,1 (so the x component is 8 times the y component) BUT GxBounds=0,0,0,32,2,0 (so the x length is 16 time the y length)

This was changed for GxBounds=0,0,0,32,4,0. Otherwise, bear2fix wouldn't generate the density plots I needed. Still trying to get familiar with bear2fix.

This week, I will do more work with bear2fix and try to get the density plots done and update the radiative shock testing page.


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