10/25 Update

Got Shape working/figured out so we can get emission maps of CRL618 done. Mostly have been playing with the Shape interface.

Currently working on making maps of t=50yr,100yr of the 4 runs, and will post them as they are done.

Once these are done, I will need to do maps of

  1. Emission-measure images at a viewing angles of ~60deg and 90deg from the symmetry axis. EM = integral(n2 dl).
  2. Position-Doppler-shift diagrams for each of these four frames

First EM result, 100 years, 90degs: EM on left, PV on right

Clump with Rings
http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~blin/crl618/clumpring/90degclumpring.jpg http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~blin/crl618/clumpring/90degpvclumpring.jpg

Jet with Rings

Jet without Rings

Clump without rings will be done as soon as the rerun is done.


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