Meeting Update 02/10/2014 -- Baowei

  • Tickets
    1. new: #335(stray momentum flows), #336(Compiling error on bamboo and bluehive with hypre flag = 0), #337(Memory usage), #338(fix comment in scrambler 3.0 in refinements.f90), #339(Making astrobear capable of using dependencies), #340(Organizing modules in the source code), #341(Difference between colliding flows and molecular cloud formation), #342(compiling error on bluestreak)
    2. closed: none
  • Users
    1. Mark: XSEDE startup allocation: stampede/kraken
    2. New one asking for the code: Yunnan University(to simulate problems of AGNs or SNRs)
  • Resources:
    1. XSEDE: 1.4 million SUs left on Kraken.
  • Worked on
    1. Ablative RT (#317): With Shule or Betti's BCs, it can run 1E-10 seconds before hypre chokes. By fixing the values of top right boundary, it runs up to 6E-9 seconds with oscillating front: #331,comment:22 —is this long enough?
    2. QPBC(#317): summary of what I tried:
      1. The divergence comes from Az — got different values running with multi-processors
      2. Run with 1, 2 processors, vector potential values are same.
      3. Run with 3,4,5 processors, vector potential values are same.
      4. new subgrid scheme with minimum grid number=1,2,4: vector potential values are same as the old subgrid scheme. But for minimum grid number =8, values are different
      5. Only happens with AMR runs
    3. #336(Compiling error on bamboo and bluehive with hypre flag = 0)


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