Meeting Update 02/17/2014 -- Baowei

  • Tickets
    1. new: #343(@ Doc), #344(Standard out and machine query differ for cpu count), #345(Test Ablative RT module -III), #346 (Add elliptic steps to efficiency calculation for standard out)
    2. closed: #317(Quasi Periodic boundaries in a quarter plane)
  • Users:
    1. checked with Andy of Rice: AstroBEAR and Visit run well on Rice resources.
    2. set up Marvin on bluehive and bgq
    3. Erica's reservation on bgq
  • Resources
    1. project & teragrid resources: ProjectRuns
    2. group reservation of half bgq machine for weeks
    3. link to cloverdata/ from other local machines fails possibly due to the failure of one disk on clover. Testing script and backup scripts need to be updated correspondingly.
  • Science
    1. Ablative RT: aim at stable time 3~4 nano seconds according to LLE people. tried with different top BCs, hypre-choking problem fixed (details at #345). still need to make the front stay longer..


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