Meeting Update --2/22/17

  • Users
    1. Proposal for Jason's student?
    2. Laurence Sabin
  • WT
    1. New figures added in the paper
Mach number Vs b
Wind/Grid tracer ratio PDF with tracers
  1. Tracers and Gaussian 2 Fit for density PDF Redid the Gaussian 2 fit of density PDF with tracers. Tried Gaussian 2 fit with simple test data to understand the GS2 fit parameters, mainly the relations of the sigmas of GS2 and the sigmas of individual component. While

there's no obvious relations between the sigmas, the sample data & fit shows clearly two peaks which matches the individual component peaks. This can't be found in the WT data with tracers. So interpret the Gaussian 2 fit for the WT density PDF as Grid & Wind material probably won't be proper.

redid tracers figure
original figure without tracers
Test Gaussian 2 fit with simple data


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