Meeting Update 03/03/2014 -- Baowei

  • Tickets
    1. new: 16 tickets from Jonathan(355-370). 13of them are for AstroBEAR3.0 and have got assigned.
    2. closed: none
  • Users
    1. worked with Visitor from Rice on his own module: with ambient and clump objects and added shock. compiled and ran OK. Talked about 3D cylindrical clump and tracers. Talked about computational resources
    2. Ablative RT: got positive response from LLE but still waiting for the confirmation in detail.

  • Resources
    1. got a call from the director of User Service at TACC when looking for a person to contact about the XSEDE proposals. Found two possible candidates to speak with.
  • Worked on
    1. Testing script: worked on Eddie's new testing script with overlay object
    2. Parallel hdf5

  • Science
    1. reading articles about stability behavior of the front (Piriz and Tahir, 2013, etc.)


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