About Stampede Time and Slurm

Some useful information about stampede queue:

Queue Name Max Runtime Max Nodes/Procs
normal 24 hrs 256 / 4000
development 4 hrs 16 /256
large 24 hrs 1024 /16000

Details can be found at http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/user-services/user-guides/stampede-user-guide#running-slurm-queue

Our total Allocation is 416,000 SUs (CPU hours). Suppose all our jobs run on 1000 CPUs, totally we have a little bit more than TWO weeks.

To submit a job to 1000 cpus in normal queue on Stampede for 24 hours, here's an example

#SBATCH -A TG-AST120060 
#SBATCH -J bearRun
#SBATCH -n 1000
#SBATCH -c 1 
#SBATCH -p normal
#SBATCH -t 24:00:00

The system can decide how many nodes for you or you can specify with option -N

The complete slurm script can be downloaded from ticket #273.


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