SuperMIC Vs. Stampede

SuperMIC Stampede
Computing Nodes 360 6400
Processor Each computing node has two 2.8GHz 10-Core Ivy Bridge-EP E5-2680 Xeon Processors Each computing node has two 2.7 GHz 8-core Xeon E5-2680 (Sandy Bridge) processors
Co-Processors Each computing node has two Intel Xeon Phi 7120P 61-core Coprocessors(1.238GHz,16GB) Each compute node is configured with an Intel Xeon Phi 5110p 61-core coprocessor(1.05GHz,8GB)
Memory 64GB DDR3 1866MHz Ram 32GB DDR3 1600MHz Ram , with an additional 8GB of memory on each Xeon Phi coprocessor card
Hybrid Compute Nodes 20 Hybrid nodes, each with two Processors + one Coprocessor + One NVIDIA Tesla K20X 6GB GPU 128 compute nodes with NVIDIA Kepler K20 5GB GPU


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