Co-rotating Outflow Wind

The setwind subroutine In the current co-rotating frame sets up the stellar wind density proportional to . where is about 200 C.U. for our runs So to make the stellar wind density same as in the 2.5D and 3D we have to set it 40000 times larger in these co-rotating runs. Otherwise the stand out distance and bow-shock size will be very large as we see in our former runs…

By using larger stellar wind density, the result for , Mach 5 runs seems promising. — didn't change the density of planet for this run still 1g/cc also used larger planet as in blog:bliu06022015


Density movie -- 16 zones per radius

Temperature movie -- 16 zones per radius

Density movie -- 32 zones per radius and twice higher stellar wind density

Temperature movie -- 32 zones per radius and twice higher stellar wind density


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