Meeting Update --06/03/16

  • Wire Turbulence
    1. hydro data: redid the velocity plots with averaged data for boxes and created volume-weighted Mach number for each Box. See updates
    2. MHD data: spectrum for velocity and magnetic field. See updates
  • OH231 module for Bruce
    1. The module is to simulate a soft-edged clump plow in an ambient gas left by a conical wind. The conical wind needs to be turned off after some time..
    2. Fixed the cooling issue for conical wind. ticket:445
    3. Need to set the nozzle area empty after the conical wind turned off — currently the code will stop pumping in material after the CW off but keeps updating the physical values and it will form a bubble. Clump could star from the nozzle area. Forcing the density & velocity in the nozzle to be low will cause the code choking. Haven't figured out a good way to do it.
round-nozzle of conical wind
current result with conical wind turned off
movie bubble


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