Meeting Update --08/03/17

  • IOPP invoice for the OH231 paper
  • XSEDE Resources
    1. Current resources: about 26000 Node-hour on stampede2 and 180000 cpu-hours on comet details
    2. Stampede2 currently only has KNL co-processors. details on this page
  • Users
    1. has been working with Eric & Jason's students.
  • Coding
    1. Updates to JetClump and pnStudy module: distribution of ambient density #438; total mass and momentum on the grids.
    2. OpenMP optimization for Common Envelop module: details on this page
  • Wire Turbulence
    1. rearranged some figures and redid figure 1
    2. re-wrote introduction and method/model part. added more references


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