Meeting Update 08/12/2013 -- Baowei

  • Tickets
    1. new: #306 (2.5D MHD diverging wind running out of memory)
    2. closed: none
  • Users
    1. Keira's visit
    2. New users asked for the code: Open University, UK, Educational in connection with the undergraduate course S383 Relativistic Universe
  • Resources
    1. Grass needs a 1TB new hard drive
    2. New Kraken allocation: 86% | 2,954,282 SUs remaining (used by Shule & Baowei), Old Kraken allocation (45% | 516,370 SUs remaining)
    3. Archiving data?
  • Worked on
    1. Pulsed Jets: Tried to find the best production run setup (resolution vs processor number). 96X480X96 + 5AMR runs slow on 1200 cores of Kraken. Changed the resolution to 192X960X192 + 3AMR. got the first several frames for both the MHD(beta=5) and Hydra. Movies will be attached soon. The highest level refinement goes to the whole jet for the first several frames. This makes it run extremely slow at the beginning but hopefully it will run much faster later on since the highest refinement will go to the bow-shock only then.
hydra 192X960X192 + 3AMR Mesh grid of frame 11 hydra

Attachments (2)

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