Teragrid Allocation Policy

  • EXTENSIONS At the end of each 12-month allocation period, any unused compute SUs will be forfeited.
    1. Extensions of allocation periods beyond the normal 12-month duration
    2. Reasons for Extensions: encounter problems in consuming the allocation. For example, unexpected staffing changes
    3. Length of extension: 1-6 months
    4. Procedure: a brief note for the reason through POPS via the XSEDE User Portal.
  • RENEWAL If a PI wish to continue computing after the expiration of their current allocation period, he/she should submit a Renewal request.
    1. In most cases, they should submit this request approximately one year after their initial request submission, so that it can be reviewed and awarded to avoid any interruption. (July 15th for Martin's allocation and April 15th for Adam's allocation)
    2. Procedure: Progress Report (3 pages)


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