pnStudy: 3D Results from IAC 08192015

3D Data with Nlevel=4 and DMcooling of up to 493 y

  1. Ran for 2.5 hrs on 160 on TeideHPC

tamb = 1d3           ! ambient temp, 1cu = 0.1K (100K=1000cu)
namb = 4e3           ! ambient density in cell above lunch surface. 1cu = 1cm^-3
stratified = t       ! true = add a 1/r^2 background 'AGB stellar wind'
torus      = f       ! true - add torus to the background
torusalpha = 0.7     ! alpha and beta specify the geometry
torusbeta  = 10d0    ! see Frank & Mellema, 1994ApJ...430..800F
rings      = f       ! true - add radial density modulations to AGB wind
StraTorus  = 2       ! 1 for Martin's way used before Jan 6th 2015, tracer might not work correctly!!
                     ! 2 for Baowei's way, updated from Martin's code according to Bruce's request
!     FLOW  DESCRIPTION SECTION, values apply at origin at t=0
outflowType  = 2    ! TYPE OF FLOW    1 cyl jet, 2 conical wind, 3 is clump
njet  = 4d2         ! flow density at launch zone, 1cu = 1cm^-3
Rjet  = 1d0         ! flow radius at launch zone, 1cu = 500AU (or clump radius)
vjet  = 2e7         ! flow velocity , 1cu = cm/s (100km/s=1e7cu)
tjet  = 1d3         ! flow temp, 1cu = 0.1K (100K=1000cu)
tt    = 0.0d0       ! flow accel time, 1cu = 8250y (0.02 = 165y)
open_angle = 90d0   ! conical flow open angle (deg)  (outflowType=2 cones only)
tf    = 30d0        ! conical flow Gaussian taper (deg) for njet and vjet; 0= disable
sigma = 0d0         ! ! /, example 0.6

3D from IAC 3D movie
same run in 2D 2D movie


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