Meeting Update 09/23/2013 -- Baowei

  • Tickets
    1. new: #307 (BE module bug? ) from Andrew
    2. closed: none
  • Users:
    1. Wrote to Clemson?
  • Resources
    1. INCITE program of Argonne:

1) Computing time on More than five billion core-hours will be allocated for Calendar Year (CY) 2014. Average awards per project for CY 2014 are expected to be on the order of 50 million core-hours for Titan and 100 million core-hours for Mira, but could be as much higher.

2) INCITE proposals are accepted between mid-April and the end of June.

2014 INCITE Call for Proposals is now closed

3) Request for Information for next year's call:;MicsLoginCookie=0pCnSQPWpzTs2v2GHrThlQ4N1tFhk8cRHYF4fRpMSq3nhxs0f55H!-460963996[[BR]]

4) Proposal preparation instructions:

  1. Wiki was slowing occasionaly last week: hopefully fixed by Rich. Still need more memory on Botwin?


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