Meeting Update 10/08/2012 - Baowei

  • Golden Version Status

Merged with Ivan's revision last Friday and Jonathan's revision on Sunday — So I was wrong about the final merge last week. Hopefully we are close to the final merge…The following table summarize the testing results on weekends — with Ivan's code.

Machines Testing Results
Clover Goes Very slow. Takes hours. Stop testing on clover
Alfalfa All passed
Bamboo All passed
Grass All passed
Bluehive Modules using bear2fix process testing chombos passed. Found an issue running modules which don't use bear2fix (generate plots like BrioWuShockTubes). Updated the testing suite script for these modules.
Blue Gene/P No reservation. Didn't run tests on it
Blue Streak Found a bunch of bugs in the code and data files but all fixed. Updated the testing suite script for modules with plots testing results. Got a slightly different chombo files when running Bondi which failed the test. Working on it

With Jonathan's revision, I found an segmentation fault error running Basic Disk. Working on it.

  • Trac 1.0
    1. Installed a new Latex plugin. Tried multiple times but the old plugin won't work with the current version Trac. The way writing equations is slightly different (single pair of ). Details can be found at Ticket #254. Old wiki pages with equations may look strange. We probably will go back to the old plugin when the new version comes.
    2. Reinstalled Mercurial plugin.
  • Tickets
    1. New #258 (wiki page for BE module) #259(seg fault on BH)
    2. Closed #254


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