HD29:planetary wind and Mass loss

1. Planetary Wind With Temperature Profile

I have been trying to get a high-res picture for planetary wind HD29 with temperature profile. This picture shows there's a shock from the night-side and there's a back-flow.

frame 40 http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/HD209458b/MassLoss/RhoV0040.png
frame 48 http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/HD209458b/MassLoss/RhoV0048.png

The shock disappeared as time goes further, although still need to double-check if this comes form the restarting problem

frame 52 (2AMR) http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/HD209458b/MassLoss/RhoV0052.png movie for this run
frame 76 (3AMR) http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu/OutflowWind/HD209458b/MassLoss/RhoV0052.png movie for this run

2. Estimate of the Mass Loss Rate

  • 1). The mass loss rate is estimated by calculating the flux out of the cubic surfaces as show below:

Where the size of box is 0.4*Orbital separation between the star and the planet, or 0.019 AU and the planet is sitting in the center of the box.

  • 2). The mass loss rate for no-temperature-profile case is 3.82E+09 gram per sec, see blog:bliu09222015
  • 3). For with-temperature-profile case, I checked the mass loss rate for different frames
frame Picture Mass loss rate
Frame 48 http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu//OutflowWind/HD209458b/MassLoss/RhoV0048.png 1.33E+09 gram per sec
Frame 70 3AMR http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu//OutflowWind/HD209458b/MassLoss/rhoV0070.png 1.55E+09 gram per sec
Frame 76 3AMR http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~bliu//OutflowWind/HD209458b/MassLoss/rhoV0076.png 1.56E+09 gram per sec


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