pnStudy: 45Deg tapper and Issue with 2.5D MHD

  • Divergence Problem with 2.5D MHD in the pnStudy Tried to test Bruce's idea of 45 deg taper:

   Martin has the option to launch collimated flows with a Gaussian taper  To run this you configure with an opening angle=90 (spherical flow) which Martin modulates with a gaussian of the form exp-(latitude/user-specified-gaussian angle)^2.  You find that modulation function somewhere.  I should think that its form can be changed from
   exp-((phi)/W)^2,                   where phi is the latitude angle and
                                            W is the user-specified gaussian width called "tf" in
to this:
   exp-((phi-PA)/W)^2,                where PA is the user-specified flow angle

PA might as well default to 45 deg for cones and gaussian taper sims (that is, Outflowtype=2).

But found this divergence Mag issue on bluehive: Movie

Need more time to confirm the results and dig out why….

  • 2.5D Result from alfalfa 2.5D Movie
  • Test for 45 deg taper with 2D runs (taper15n4e2v200namb4e4)

Fixing a bug just found. Will update results soon…


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