Computing Resources & Local Machines
Noticed as I am scp-ing data on the CollidingFlows runs that some of the typical machines I used are starting to become full. I also do visualizations on Clover or my own machine, however they can be quite hard on my own graphics card. This has led to talk to Baowei and others about potentially looking into developing a new machine quote (see:
Given that the quote is 6 months old, that the price is not the same anymore. It has been suggested to me that someone in the group should e-mail Sean Kesavan <> and ask him to give up an updated quote or change it to meet our requirements (referencing the quote number on the quotation). I also think these are the specs for Bamboo (
In my opinion it might be a good idea to look into more disk space/storage and also get a new machine for visualization. In the mean time I took a look at our local machines and who is using them.
Commands I am using:
*du -sh * 2>&1 | grep -v "du: cannot"
prints the disk spaced used for each user by printing standard error to standard out.
*df -h
inside of the directory to see disk spaced used (along with %) and space that is available.
The Disk Space Used
DS Used | User / Directory |
63G | bliu |
13G | ckrau |
4.6G | ehansen |
227G | erica |
422G | johannjc |
16K | lost+found |
1.1T | martinhe |
4.0K | modulecalls |
20M | nordhaus |
1.3T | shuleli |
300M | test.dd |
3.5G | trac_backup |
The Disk Space Available
Filesystem | Size | Used | Avail | Use% | Mounted on |
aufsroot | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | / |
udev | 7.9G | 4.0K | 7.9G | 1% | /dev |
tmpfs | 1.6G | 1.3M | 1.6G | 1% | /run |
none | 4.0K | 0 | 4.0K | 0% | /sys/fs/cgroup |
none | 5.0M | 0 | 5.0M | 0% | /run/lock |
none | 7.9G | 108K | 7.9G | 1% | /run/shm |
none | 100M | 160K | 100M | 1% | /run/user |
/dev/md127 | 5.5T | 3.3T | 1.9T | 64% | /media/grassdata | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/ehansen | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/shuleli | | 5.3T | 4.3T | 802G | 85% | /mnt/net/alfalfadata |
The Disk Space Used
DS Used | User / Directory |
1.2T | bliu |
4.0K | brookskj |
6.0G | chaig |
1.6G | |
8.0K | ehansen |
580G | erica |
1.1T | johannjc |
16K | lost+found |
2.6T | madams |
1.2T | martinhe |
21M | rsarkis |
4.9G | ScalingTest |
3.6T | shuleli |
The Disk Space Available
Filesystem | Size | Used | Avail | Use% | Mounted on |
aufsroot | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | / |
udev | 7.9G | 4.0K | 7.9G | 1% | /dev |
tmpfs | 1.6G | 1.3M | 1.6G | 1% | /run |
none | 4.0K | 0 | 4.0K | 0% | /sys/fs/cgroup |
none | 5.0M | 0 | 5.0M | 0% | /run/lock |
none | 7.9G | 108K | 7.9G | 1% | /run/shm |
none | 100M | 160K | 100M | 1% | /run/user |
/dev/md127 | 5.5T | 3.3T | 1.9T | 64% | /media/grassdata | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/ehansen | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/shuleli | | 5.3T | 4.3T | 802G | 85% | /mnt/net/alfalfadata | | 13T | 11T | 1.2T | 91% | /mnt/net/bamboodata |
The Disk Space Used
DS Used | User / Directory |
4.0K | bliu |
673G | johannjc |
904K | orda |
3.4G | repositories |
4.0K | repositories_backup.s |
11G | scrambler_tests |
2.6G | tests |
65G | TO_CLEAN |
75G | trac |
4.0K | trac_backup.s |
7.2G | trac_dev |
4.0K | trac.wsgi |
1.8M | www |
The Disk Space Available
Filesystem | Size | Used | Avail | Use% | Mounted on |
aufsroot | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | / |
udev | 7.9G | 4.0K | 7.9G | 1% | /dev |
tmpfs | 1.6G | 1.3M | 1.6G | 1% | /run |
none | 4.0K | 0 | 4.0K | 0% | /sys/fs/cgroup |
none | 5.0M | 0 | 5.0M | 0% | /run/lock |
none | 7.9G | 108K | 7.9G | 1% | /run/shm |
none | 100M | 160K | 100M | 1% | /run/user |
/dev/md127 | 5.5T | 3.3T | 1.9T | 64% | /media/grassdata | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/ehansen | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/shuleli | | 5.3T | 4.3T | 802G | 85% | /mnt/net/alfalfadata | | 13T | 11T | 1.2T | 91% | /mnt/net/bamboodata | | 890G | 838G | 6.3G | 100% | /mnt/net/botwindata |
The Disk Space Used
DS Used | User / Directory |
28M | afrank |
368K | ameer |
72K | aquillen |
4.0K | array.f90 |
4.0K | awhitbe2 |
20K | BasicDisk |
137G | bcc |
31M | blin |
9.7M | bliu |
1.7G | bobbylc |
3.3G | chaig |
2.6M | clover |
37M | cruggier |
0 | data |
851M | DB |
4.0K | devsrc |
107M | edmonpp |
72G | ehansen |
301G | erica |
1019M | iminchev |
448K | jnp1 |
3.0T | johannjc |
14M | langao |
154M | laskimr |
2.9M | lijoimc |
3.9G | local |
16K | lost+found |
221M | madams |
13G | martinhe |
8.0K | MegaSAS.log |
124K | mendygral |
37M | MHDWaves |
13M | mitran |
648M | moortgat |
852M | munson |
3.0G | noyesma |
20K | odat1 |
4.0K | old_accounts |
45G | pvarni |
292K | raid |
3.3G | repositories |
5.8G | repositories_backup |
140M | rge21 |
2.9G | rsarkis |
192K | ryan |
126G | scrambler_tests |
2.1T | shuleli |
16M | spearssj |
0 | test |
54M | test3 |
0 | |
840M | tests |
355M | tests130 |
231M | tests_old |
452K | tkneen |
14G | trac |
27G | trac_backup |
60K | wma |
1.8M | www |
The Disk Space Available
Filesystem | Size | Used | Avail | Use% | Mounted on |
aufsroot | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | / |
udev | 7.9G | 4.0K | 7.9G | 1% | /dev |
tmpfs | 1.6G | 1.3M | 1.6G | 1% | /run |
none | 4.0K | 0 | 4.0K | 0% | /sys/fs/cgroup |
none | 5.0M | 0 | 5.0M | 0% | /run/lock |
none | 7.9G | 108K | 7.9G | 1% | /run/shm |
none | 100M | 160K | 100M | 1% | /run/user |
/dev/md127 | 5.5T | 3.3T | 1.9T | 64% | /media/grassdata | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/ehansen | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/shuleli | | 5.3T | 4.3T | 802G | 85% | /mnt/net/alfalfadata | | 11T | 5.8T | 4.5T | 57% | /mnt/net/cloverdata |
The Disk Space Used
DS Used | User / Directory |
184M | afrank |
4.0K | bshroyer |
711M | bshroyerdata |
8.5M | chaig |
4.0K | cruggier |
27M | data4out.out |
127M | data5out.out |
4.0K | ehansen |
1.4T | erica |
4.0K | eschroe3 |
2.1G | ferreira |
3.2G | fnauman |
33G | grass_swapfile |
29G | jnp1 |
119G | johannjc |
4.0K | johannjc:~ |
4.0K | langao |
4.0K | laskimr |
16K | lost+found |
310G | madams |
656G | martinhe |
12M | munson |
1.4G | noyesma |
112M | root |
762G | shuleli |
1.4G | slucchin |
4.0K | tdennis |
1001M | test.dd |
4.0K | testlog |
403M | tkneen |
46M | xguan |
The Disk Space Available
Filesystem | Size | Used | Avail | Use% | Mounted on |
aufsroot | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | / |
udev | 7.9G | 4.0K | 7.9G | 1% | /dev |
tmpfs | 1.6G | 1.3M | 1.6G | 1% | /run |
none | 4.0K | 0 | 4.0K | 0% | /sys/fs/cgroup |
none | 5.0M | 0 | 5.0M | 0% | /run/lock |
none | 7.9G | 108K | 7.9G | 1% | /run/shm |
none | 100M | 160K | 100M | 1% | /run/user |
/dev/md127 | 5.5T | 3.3T | 1.9T | 64% | /media/grassdata | | 11T | 4.7T | 6.3T | 43% | /home/ehansen |