Posts in category hydrostatic

Meeting Update 08/18

No science this week for me. Still working on Erica's runs, and starting to delve into more development related topics.

On High Res Runs

  • Transferring materials currently to Stampede, about to start submitting jobs today (beta 1, shear 60 & beta 10, shear 15). The other two will run on Bluestreak.
  • Submitting jobs to Bluestreak. Waiting on Carl to respond to renew reservation, having beta 10 shear 60 running in standard queue at 128 nodes.
  • Aiming to update the CF Production Runs Page. Some of our runs are almost done. For instance beta 10 shear 60 is nearly to chombo 190.

Computing Resources

See previous post.


Had a meeting with Jonathan last Friday to start working on development projects.

  • Once I am done working with Erica's data I am going to focus on creating a nap sack algorithm (which Eddie kindly gave to me :) ). Jonathan and I took a look at the current algorithm we use (see: (17) Found this thesis by Pierre Schaus (see: Planning to contact both Pierre Schaus (nurse - patient algorithm) and Mark Kremholtz (about load balancing on the accretion module for Orion (astrophysical AMR)). We also came across this Zoltan code which might be useful to look at?
  • Cleaning up unused variables in the code.
  • Implementing hydrostatic equilibrium in the disk module. For which I assume I'll have to consider:

We know hydrostatic equilibrium is defined generally to be

which I'll define to be for some cylindrical coordinate system (with a distance from the disk axis, and height above the plane). Then balancing with the ideal gas law and isothermal sound speed, we can integrate our equation, yielding:

If anyone wants to go over the derivation with me, that is fine, I just included some highlights here. It is a pretty standard derivation, I think it can be found in some books. Given this would be implemented for the disk module, I just assumed a central mass and an infinitesimal chunk of mass at for a cylindrical coordinate system.

However for now I'll be focusing primarily on the napsack problem since it'll be more beneficial for the code.


Downloaded the software. It looks pretty neat. Haven't had any creative ideas of what to do with it yet in order to understand its capabilities.