Central disk, test 5

  • Cold, temp=10K
  • rsoft=0
  • flared
  • dens contrast=103 (less than in tests 2, 2.1 and 3*),
  • High time resolution
  • 643 +2amr
  • the disk has not been rotated
  • rdisk=2 cu (=20AU; rdisk=1cu in test 2 and 2.1*)
  • periodic BC (note that the domain goes from -6 to 6cu (1cu=10AU), so the disk is till far from the boundary)
Density moviehttp://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/6feb1257.gif
Density zoom inhttp://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/6feb1254.gif
Poloidal velocity movie. Black dashed lines are log density contourshttp://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/6feb1310.gif
Toroidal velocity moviehttp://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/6feb1330.gif

The central tilt happen again and quite quickly. There's no disk gas located at r < rsoft in this case. The knee shown by the dens distribution, i.e. the tilt, is also followed by the velocity distributions.



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