Central disk, sanity check

  • ideal gas solver, gamma=1.1
  • tempdisk=1K; tempamb=1000K
  • dens contrast=103
  • rsoft=4= .5 diskheight
  • rdisk=2 cu (=20AU)
  • 643 +2amr
  • periodic BC
Zoomed in density moviehttp://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/7feb1008.gif
Zoomed in density longer movie (14feb'12)http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/14feb1624.gif

The gas evolution in this simulation is as expected and consistent with my previous tests (see tables 1 and 2 in https://clover.pas.rochester.edu/trac/astrobear/blog/martinhe12092011).


1. martinhe -- 13 years ago

Here's a comparison of streamlines. The colorful iso-surfaces are density. The particle is in the center. The lines are color coded using the poloidal position, thus stream lines below, in and above the disk plane are blue, white and red, respectively. Left panels are from test 3*. Right panels are from the sanity check (this post, above). (Note that orbital times, density contour values and grid resolution are different in the left and right panels, yet this should not affect the info and idea form these plots.)

test 3* | sanity test
Zoom inhttp://www.pas.rochester.edu/~martinhe/2011/binary/7feb238.png

The tilted disk has a stronger flux poloidal component than the other one. The central-most lines of the right disk (symmetric, sanity) are purely toroidal, whereas in the left disk (tilted) the central-most lines are helical. Also, the central-most lines of the tilted disk are not circular loops as in the sanity disk. This fact should be related to the initial conditions; the sanity/tilted disk started from a configuration of pressure equilibrium/non-equilibrium with the ambient medium.
