Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2019/11/11


  • Finish gas drag routines
  • Fix advection routine
  • Implement sputtering


  • Fixed the source term issue where dqdt was too large per time step resulting in a RK45 error (see update from the 4th of November). dqdt is now in an acceptable range but fluxes for the dust momenta go towards infinity → suspect there's an issue with the dust advection (this advection type hadn't been tested before)
  • Finished implementing a second gas drag option: plasma drag (two options here: traditional plasma drag or a fancier model based on Fry et al. 2019). The dust is now accelerated due to a) collisions with the protons/electrons in the gas (collisional drag) and b) Coulomb interactions with charges gas particles if the grain itself is charged (plasma drag)
  • Started work on sputtering routine

(Note: Since advection isn't working properly I can't properly test the gas drag and sputtering routine. Some debugging might be necessary once I can test them.)


  • The wl and wr values go to infinity when the fluxes are calculated for the dust momenta. I'm still tracking down what exactly goes wrong (potentially even a setup issue with faulty initial dust momenta?)


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