Update 01/11/16 - Eddie

  • Finished another round of edits for 3-D clumpy paper
  • Got the 3-D pulsed jets running faster now.
    • On 576 cores, I got the MHD run w/ beta = 1 to run 94 out of 120 frames in just 8 hours.
    • This was at a lower resolution of 32 cells per jet radius, and the jet propagated to a distance of about 23 jet radii.
    • I suspect this run would take about 6 more hours to get the full 120 frames. Meaning that a run at the desired 64 cells per jet radius should take a little over one week to finish. This is doable.

Still having issues with Visit on Grass. I hope Rich can fix the issue soon, so that I can make movies more easily.

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