pulsed jet working better with smoothed profile

I implemented a tanh function to smooth the density and velocity radial profiles at the injection boundary. The code runs much better now since there have not been any nans in the flux calculations. Also, there have only been a couple of high CFL restarts which is not a big deal.

I started with smoothing the profiles out to the edge of the domain. Clearly, this makes a very wide jet that is not what we want. But it was a good test to make sure what I had written was correct, and to see how the code handled it.


I then ran with smoothing out to twice the jet radius. This looks like a more realistic jet, but the head of the jet looks weird. You can see what looks like secondary bow shocks that protrude beyond the head of the jet. These are located at the original jet radius (aka where the smoothing begins).


I am waiting on a new run with smoothing again out to twice the jet radius. I fixed an error with the species densities. If it looks the same, I may try adjusting the pressure a little bit to see if the protrusions go away.


Fixing the species densities did not change much. Not sure if changing the pressure is the right way to go, but I am trying it anyways. I did another run with the smoothing out to 1.1 Rjet. This is the closest to what I actually want, and it ran without any issues.


None of the movies are uploaded yet because I have an issue with visit. For some reason when I try to use the 'save' options in visit, the images get yellow-ed out. This seems to only be an issue when running visit remotely from clover with 3D data. Running locally on clover with 3D data is fine, and running remotely from clover with 2D data is fine. Not sure what the fix is; could be a driver issue.

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